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Cuttlefish The amazing invertebrate By Nicholas Scheper.

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1 Cuttlefish The amazing invertebrate By Nicholas Scheper

2 What is the Cuttlefish? The cuttlefish is a mollusk closely related to the octopus and squid. They have eight arms and two tentacles.They can also squirt ink like its relatives. The cuttlefish also has bilateral and radial symmetry.

3 What does the Cuttlefish look like? The cuttlefish is 1-5 in. long and weigh about 5 kilograms. The cuttlefish can change their skin to be any color. They can also change their body texture to be any texture. One important body part is the cuttlebone because the cuttlebone controls the cuttlefish’s buoyancy.

4 How does a Cuttlefish move and what does it eat? The cuttlefish swims in the deep ocean. The cuttlefish is slow- moving, but can squirt ink and change color to protect itself. The cuttlefish is a carnivore and eats mollusks, crabs, fish, worms, shrimp, octopi, and cuttlefish. It gets its food by two tentacles that shoot out and grab the prey and pull it into a beak-like mouth. The cuttlefish is somewhere in the middle of the food web.

5 Defensive and Offensive measures for the Cuttlefish. The cuttlefish can change color to confuse and even hypnotize its predators and prey. The enemies of the cuttlefish are the dolphin, shark, fish, seal, other cuttlefish, and humans.

6 Where does a Cuttlefish live? The cuttlefish lives in all of the oceans and also in the Red Sea and in the English Channel. The cuttlefish lives in the deep parts of the ocean.

7 What is the Classification of the Cuttlefish? KingdomAnimalia PhylumMollusca ClassCephalopoda OrderSepioida FamilySeplide GenusSepia SpeciesApoma

8 The Behavior and Life Cycle of a Cuttlefish The cuttlefish is more of a solitary animal and doesn’t live in herds. The cuttlefish is nocturnal and does not hibernate or migrate. The life cycle of a cuttlefish is: 1. They are in an egg. 2. They hatch and are babies. 3. At one or two they become an adult and start to reproduce. 4. They die around the ages of 3-5. They lay eggs.

9 Works Cited None http://wiki.answers.com Paula Weston http://www. March 1997http://www http://www.pdphoto.org August 13 th 2002

10 Works Cited (cont.) Colin Dunlop February 12 th 2003

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