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Music and stress Student Personal Work (French T.P.E): experiment to see consequences on 6 students at the same time, of listening different music on physiological.

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Presentation on theme: "Music and stress Student Personal Work (French T.P.E): experiment to see consequences on 6 students at the same time, of listening different music on physiological."— Presentation transcript:

1 Music and stress Student Personal Work (French T.P.E): experiment to see consequences on 6 students at the same time, of listening different music on physiological parameters, as heart rate and skin resistance. Correlations of differents sudents results are calculated. 6 interfaces Heart rate Stress sensor Music diffusion No vision

2 Result of experiment Music and stress Calculation shows a correlation between emotion measure of differents students during the experience. The emotion seams to increase each time there is an important change in the music. Different objective reactions for different persons. In some musical sequences, emotion seems to decrease in certain persons and increase in others. Stress measure Heart rate

3 Push back or front and see which muscle react first (foot extensor)

4 Comparison of result from differents subjects

5 From James Madison Univerity Leg extensor Antagonist nerves and muscle activity during body oscillations Gastrocnemius Foot extensors Foot flexor Front oscillation Back oscillation Tibialis Stretching reflex

6 Testing experiment performances Reflex hammer Microphone Hammer 7 ms delay: time measuring is 7 ms longer

7 Electrical, mechanical muscle response Electrical response Mechanical response Electrical response Mechanical response 70 ms (7*10 ms) delay between electrical and mechanical muscle responses and foot contact on button

8 Nerve, muscle electrical response in frog. Electrical nerve response Electrical muscle response Begining of Machanical muscle response Electrical muscle response Efficient muscle response Electrical activity « transmission » Nerve-muscle: 4 ms Electrical- mechanical muscle transmission: 50 ms 50 ms 5 ms

9 Cartoon to isolate vision subject from experimentator Window to read book Book read by the subject Hammer which movement pass in front of the little windows and surprises the subject. Electrods record eye muscle activity Reference electrod ECG-EMG sensor System to run the acquisition Interface Palpebral reflex Result of several tests with variable surprise stimulation Palpebral reflex delay: 60 ms

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