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By Group 1 Chris Austin Andrew Pelosi Courtney Zink Micheal DiBari.

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Presentation on theme: "By Group 1 Chris Austin Andrew Pelosi Courtney Zink Micheal DiBari."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Group 1 Chris Austin Andrew Pelosi Courtney Zink Micheal DiBari

2 The Atmos Clock 1920’s : Jean-Leon Reutter, Inventor Desire to design a clock that ran without human intervention. The outcome was a clock that runs without mechanical and electrical intervention. The Atmos Clock runs entirely on the idea of perpetual motion.

3 What is Perpetual Motion? Created by any device that produces more energy than it consumes. Our project relates to the theories of free energy. The result is a net output of energy for indefinite time.

4 Our Project A research based study on the theories of motion involved in the workings of the Atmos clock. A detailed outline of each function within the clock. A working 3-D model to demonstrate the mechanics.

5 Project Outline Apply thermodynamic and heat transfer principles to give an in depth description of inner workings. CAD applications to set forth for parts manufacturing. Manufacturing phase of construction will not be performed.

6 Questions?

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