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Edison Jr. High Open House. M r. R o s a Mr. Morckel Assistant Principal.

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Presentation on theme: "Edison Jr. High Open House. M r. R o s a Mr. Morckel Assistant Principal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Edison Jr. High Open House

2 M r. R o s a

3 Mr. Morckel Assistant Principal

4 When your child is absent: Call the office that morning Send a note with him/her the NEXT DAY!! Failure to send a note will result in an UNEXCUSED absence!!! UNEXCUSED

5 Mr. Deer Mr. Hollinger Mr. Litman Mr. Mutigli Mr. Ridenour Miss Street MATH DEPARTMENT MATH DEPARTMENT

6 PICTURE DAY Retakes Sept. 2 nd Oct. 29 th

7 Mr. Meredith Mr. Mizicko Ms. Peoples Mrs. Scott Mr. Frantz

8 Parent Support Group Meetings7:00 pm Sept. 4 th Oct. 2 nd Nov. 6 th Dec. 4 th Jan. 8 th Feb 5 th Mar. 4 th April 1 st May 6 th All are welcome!!

9 LADIES OF THE LUNCHROOM Connie Ramsey Marge Russ Jean Ault Debbie Salopek Orlena Barrick Becky Dillman Peggy Miller Sharren Steiner Linda Beckelheimer

10 Please help support the brochure and candy bar sale!! SALE ENDS Sept. 15th

11 MONITORS Mrs. Jokovich Ms. Krynock Mrs. Russell Mrs. Day AIDES Mrs. Iadanza Mrs. Brenner Mrs. Anderson Ms. Snyder

12 1 ½ Hour Delayed Start Tuesday, September 23 rd

13 Social Studies Department Mr. Gamble Ms. Regula Mrs. Schaub Mrs. Steele Mrs. Simon Mr. Toth Dept

14 HOME EC Mrs. Borton Mrs. States Mrs. Waggoner

15 When your child is absent: Call the office that morning Send a note with him/her the NEXT DAY!! Failure to send a note will result in an UNEXCUSED absence!!! UNEXCUSED

16 November 6th S c h o o l T r i p I n f o r m a t i o n a l M e e t i n g 7 : 0 0 p. m.

17 CUSTODIANS Mike Moore Dennis Painter Keith Martin Ken Halter

18 Wood Shop Drafting TECH ED. Mr. Everhart Mr. Gabric

19 Delayed Start October 15th 1 ½ Hour

20 Guidance Mrs. Simmons last names H-N Mr. Wilson last names A-G Mrs. Schaffner last names O-Z

21 PLEASE VISIT OUR Computer Lab Rm 105 Mr. Risaliti

22 Halloween Dance Oct 31 st 1:00 –2:00

23 FOREIGN LANGUAGES Mrs. Seward - French Mrs. Rubin - Spanish Mrs. Maccioli - Spanish

24 Secretary Mrs. Holmes

25 When your child is absent: Call the office that morning Send a note with him/her the NEXT DAY!! Failure to send a note will result in an UNEXCUSED absence!!! UNEXCUSED

26 Parent Teacher Conferences Weds. Nov. 5 th 5-9p.m. Thurs. Nov. 6 th 11a.m.-3p.m. & 5-9p.m. NO SCHOOL…Nov 6 th & 7 th DON T FORGET ‘

27 Music Department Mr. Hall Concert Bands Jazz Bands Mrs. Walker Choir (Encore, Treble, Concert)

28 THANKSGIVING BREAK Nov. 27 th - Dec. 1 st

29 Language Arts/English Mrs. DeJacimo Ms. Green Mr. Hornyak Mrs. Lantz Mr. Mostov Mrs. Rukavina Mrs. Seward Mrs. Wells

30 Wood-N-Stitches Craft Boutique December 11 th 9:00am – 12 noon Edison gym

31 Bookkeeper M R S. B R O W N F I E L D

32 January 29th 1 ½ Hour Delayed Start

33 Special Education Mrs. Back Mrs. Stayer Mrs. Barstow Mrs. Wise Ms. Ohman Mr. Miller Mrs. Thompson Ms. Foster

34 Ms. Hayne A R T

35 Holiday Concert Dec. 18th7:00pm JAZZ BANDSBANDS Encore CHOIRCHOIR

36 Mrs. Marinelli Keyboarding, Web Design & General Business

37 When your child is absent: Call the office that morning Send a note with him/her the NEXT DAY!! Failure to send a note will result in an UNEXCUSED absence!!! UNEXCUSED

38 science department Mr. McGraw Mr. Jensen Mrs. Fontana Mrs. Frederick Mr. Webster

39 Christmas Vacation December 20th through January 4 th

40 Learning Resource Center Ms. Bogue Media Resource Specialist Mrs. Reed Library aide

41 H O L I D A Y D A N C E December 19 th 1:00 – 2:00

42 Safe 1-800-418-6423 Schools HOTLINE

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