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GI Science Database Management Systems Nigel Trodd Coventry University.

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Presentation on theme: "GI Science Database Management Systems Nigel Trodd Coventry University."— Presentation transcript:

1 GI Science Database Management Systems Nigel Trodd Coventry University

2 GIS are INFORMATION systems  what is the role of databases?  what do they do?  how do they do it ?

3 Spatial data modelling

4 databases...... a body of related data stored in a structured manner

5 a body of unstructured dataa body of structured data


7 store & retrieve data efficiently

8 and …  check  integrate  manipulate a D ata B ase M anagement S ystem


10 a DBMS is 'a software system with capabilities to define data and their attributes, establish relationships among data items, manipulate the data and manage the data' Stamper & Price (1990)

11 but

12 Spatial data are different Putting the G into an IS

13 how do databases store spatial data ? Spatial data = attribute + geometry / topology


15 but things are rarely simple

16 rdbms e.g.  dBase  MS Access  Oracle 9i Codd’s laws

17 Storing spatial data: relational db


19 geodb

20 Summary  data, databases, dbms, geodb  database models –flat file, O-O –relational dbms  tables (tuples) –linked by unique identifiers  efficient storage, effective retrieval

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