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Introducing ……... Slate waste. EU Life-Environment funded project: Sustainable post-industrial land restoration and re- creation of high biodiversity.

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Presentation on theme: "Introducing ……... Slate waste. EU Life-Environment funded project: Sustainable post-industrial land restoration and re- creation of high biodiversity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introducing ……... Slate waste

2 EU Life-Environment funded project: Sustainable post-industrial land restoration and re- creation of high biodiversity natural habitats Partners: University of Wales, Bangor;Alfred McAlpine Slate; Slate Ecology Co., Pizarras- Villar del Rey Output:To produce a science-based guide to Best Practice for achieving the restoration of self-sustaining, semi-natural ecosystems of high conservation value

3 Scope of the project Nutrient and water delivery systems Plant responses Litter decomposition and soil formation Invertebrate, detritivore and bird biodiversity Socio-economic impacts GIS overlays of environmental variables

4 Soil functioning in natural and restored systems on slate waste Julie Williamson 1, Davey Jones 1, Richard Bardgett 2, Phil Hobbs 3, Ed Rowe 1, Mark Nason 1 & John Healey 1. 1 University of Wales, Bangor, 2 University of Lancaster, 3 IGER.

5 Rationale and Hypotheses typically, quarry sites lack topsoil H.1 theoretical C:N considerations can be used to design substrates from organic wastes for nutrient delivery nutrient cycling needs a ‘kick start’ H.2 organic matter increases nutrient cycling capacity need to develop soil biochemical indices that predict longer-term above-ground success H.3 organic amendments create a substrate biochemically comparable to that of naturally established vegetation

6 Method used for tree planting Slates arranged to collect rainfall 1-year old transplant Soil amendments in 3 L pocket, depth 15 cm Free-draining coarse slate waste 1m Roots moving towards fines Water-holding fines

7 Design of tree establishment trial 3 water-holding treatments None Boulder clay Polyacrylamide gel 3 nutrient supply treatments None*Sewage-paperNPK (15:10:10) mix slow release * mixed to a target C:N of 15-20 and to deliver mineral N at the same rate as NPK in Year 1

8 Materials used for tree establishment Selected nutrient concentrations of the organic amendment. Target application rates to planting pocket kg.N ha -1 NPK550sewage-paper4000

9 Results: substrate Mineral-N content (mg -1 ) over 3 samplings (1, 7, 13 months)

10 Results: soil microbial biomass (mg -1 ) and basal respiration (mg -1.h -1 ) at 13 months

11 Results: summary of soil N pool sizes at 13 months *PMN is potentially mineralisable N


13 Results: comparing soil quality indices of naturally established and planted birch.


15 Results: Soil microbial PLFA profiles of natural and planted vegetation. Proportion (% mol) of Gram+ve bacterial PLFA to total. SSS

16 Results: Soil microbial PLFA profiles of natural and planted vegetation. Ratio of fungal-to-bacterial PLFA. Ratio of fungal to bacterial PLFA

17 Results: Soil microbial PLFA variation in natural and planted vegetation. Plot of coordinates derived from detrended correspondence analysis (Canoco)

18 Conclusions H.1 theoretical C:N considerations can be used to design substrates from organic wastes for nutrient delivery Yes; soil mineral N concentrations during the first 13 months in the NPK treatment were matched by the sewage-paper mix treatment H.2 organic matter increases nutrient cycling capacity Yes; as evidenced by increases in microbial biomass, respiration and potentially mineralisable N, relative to other treatments

19 Conclusions cont’d H.3 organic amendments create a substrate biochemically comparable to that of naturally established vegetation Sewage-paper resulted in soil microbial biomass and respiration rate comparable to those in natural systems But, microbial composition differed markedly, viz: Planted systems had: greater proportion of bacterial PLFA lower microbial C:N ratio higher respiratory quotient

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