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Locomotor & Nonlocomotor Skills
Ch 11
Locomotor Skills Body moving from one place to another in a vertical plane Develop bodily control Walking, running, leaping, jumping, hopping, galloping, sliding, & skipping Build upon to create routines and games
Locomotor Skills Lessons: Travel in general space
Different pathways (straight, curved, zigzag), directions (forward, backward, sideways), & different speeds (slow, medium, fast) Response to signal (stop/start, change movements, pathways, directions, speed)
NonLocomotor Skills Not require body to move from place to place; not incorporate objects into movement Performed in stable position standing or sitting Twisting, turning, bending, stretching, rocking, curling, balance
Motor Skill Progression
Phases: Develop skill Expand skill Master skill
Motor Skill Progression
Progression tree – allows learner to chart their individual success; visually see progress Self-paced, fundamental skills Task cards: instructions & examples of activities Chasing, fleeing, dodging, jumping, landing Different levels of learners, adapt
Chasing, Fleeing, Dodging
Used in many games and activities Changing of direction and location, traveling, ducking while moving Use invisible or imaginary opponent Versions of tag External cues
Task Cards Run under general space Start/stop on signal
Travel around stationary object Travel in different pathways Shadow partner Dodging while avoiding stationary taggers Simple tag games
Task Cards Chasing, fleeing, & dodging while avoiding moving person
Complex tag games Take the pin basic Capture the flag Chasing, fleeing, dodging while manipulating object
Jumping & Landing Sporting activities Quality Start at age 2
Learn to land on 2 feet progress to 1 Takeoff, flight, landing Distance, height
Jumping & Landing Hop – jump from one foot to same foot
Leap – jump from one foot to opposite foot One foot takeoff – jump from one foot to land on two feet Two footed takeoff – jumping high; jump from two feet to land on two feet Jumping from two feet to land on 1
Jumping Skills Jump and land over stationary objects
Jump and land in self space Use creative movement Jump and land for distance, low height Jump and land while traveling, over objects, add turns, jump sequence, rope
Non-Locomotor Skills Movements in same place Mostly used in gymnastics
Stretch, tuck, pike, straddle, turn, twist, bend No one best correct form Goals: explain meaning of skill to understand concepts & give learners opportunities to demonstrate understanding of skill by examples
Non-Locomotor Skills Balancing – keeping body’s center of gravity above base of support Tense & relax muscles to shift body Teaching: base of support & stable vs unstable balances Stable resists gravity or force Unstable easily disrupted
Balance Learning Tasks
Balance own body Balance an object Balance another person
Balance Perform on different bases of support
Control muscular contractions Develop strength, flexibility Progression as able to regain balance quickly Work in pairs/groups
Balance Bases of support Landings Objects/apparatus Traveling
Shoulder balance Hand balance, body curled Complex movements, partners
Peer Evaluations Students responsible for watching other students perform making judgments & improvements
Evaluations Understand grade level and abilities
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