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You need to be able to explain how attitudes form, it’s components, methods to measure attitudes, implication for the coach, how to alter negative attitude.

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Presentation on theme: "You need to be able to explain how attitudes form, it’s components, methods to measure attitudes, implication for the coach, how to alter negative attitude."— Presentation transcript:

1 You need to be able to explain how attitudes form, it’s components, methods to measure attitudes, implication for the coach, how to alter negative attitude Attitudes

2 Attitudes = blend of values and beliefs An attitude that is resistance to change = prejudice A component of a prejudicial attitude = stereotyping

3 What is Attitude? Combination of beliefs and feelings about objects, people or situations (known as ‘attitude objects’) which predispose us to behave in a certain way towards them. The focus of a person’s attitude is called the attitude object.

4 How are attitudes formed? Who influences what you think (cognitive), feel (affective) and as a result the may affect the way you behave (behavioural)?

5 peers friends media past experiences coaches teachers family FORMATION of ATTITUDES region / culture Who influences Attitudes? Feedback can reinforce attitude Attitudes can create false perceptions known as prejudice

6 Attitudes – common factors... Enduring emotional and behavioural response Attitudes are changeable to different ‘attitude objects’ Attitudes are directed towards ‘attitude objects’ i.e. People, event, situation or idea. Attitudes influence our behaviour Interaction between people known as ‘socialisation’. Can be positive or negative Develop through experience Are relatively stable and enduring

7 Negative attitude formation Failure Fear of failure Fear of injury Negative role-models Task difficulty too high Low self-confidence No support from family/friends Low status of activity in society Stereotypical images

8 Who is more likely to join the rugby team... When asked whether they would be joining the rugby team... Lauren said: “Yeh I like rugby I’ll play this year” Joel said: “Yeh I like rugby, dad said it will toughen me up and keep me fit I’ll make training on Monday”

9 Who is more likely to join the rugby team... When asked whether they would be joining the rugby team... Lauren said: “Yeh I like rugby ill play this year” Joel said: “Yeh I like rugby, dad said it will toughen me up and keep me fit ill make training on Monday” Displaying a general positive attitude towards rugby, not a true determinant of sporting behaviour Has a specific attitude towards rugby, has stated an actual intention to go to training. Significant other has encouraged him.

10 The Triadic Model This model states that attitudes are formed through influences on the 3 elements: 1. Our beliefs are formed through past experiences and by what we have learned from others. 2. Our emotional reactions depend on past experiences. 3. Our behaviour is not always consistent with our attitude. E.g. we may believe that exercise is good for us and may enjoy participating, but we may not exercise very much. We are, however, more likely to behave in a way that reveals our attitude.

11 Components of Attitude Triadic Model

12 Attitudes and Behaviour Is it accurate to use a performers attitude to predict and therefore try to change behaviour? As attitudes are one of the key determinants of our behaviour they can heavily influence the way in which we behave towards different types of ‘attitude objects’. Attitudes do not always predict behaviour (e.g. La Piere’s study, 1934), only specific attitudes predict specific behaviours. (Fishbein, 1995).

13 Task 1: Write down an attitude that you have associated with sport. Break your attitude down in to the three components according to Triandis triadic model.

14 Attitudes and Behaviour Attitudes can only be used to predict behaviour when we measure and assess attitudes to specific aspects of our lives and whether or not there is a stated intention of behaving in a particular way. The best indicator of behaviour is an individual’s behaviour intention. A positive attitude to something incorporates an intention to do that thing and therefore participation is more likely. (Fishbein and Ajzen, 1975).

15 Exam question... Attitudes are largely developed through experience. Identify and describe factors that form attitude. (6)

16 POSITIVE ATTITUDES has a positive physical self-concept satisfaction from participation in sport believe sport promotes health success at sport willing to try new activities encouraged by significant others participates regularly opportunity to participate Positive and negative attitudes to Sport

17 Prejudice If attitude is based on false information and is unfair, then it becomes prejudice. Prejudice = an extreme or strongly held attitude (resistant to change) held prior to direct experience. Situations or people are pre-judged. In pre-judging a situation or a person we are expecting to see or experience certain types of behaviour in certain situations. In relation to people, prejudice (extreme attitudes) serves to develop a certain expectancy of behaviour leading to stereotyping. This can then affect our behaviour towards certain individuals or groups of people. E.g. Boys seen as having more potential in sport → higher expectations on boys → more time devoted to them → boys develop more.

18 Stereotyping - Eric the eelEric the eel Stereotype A belief held by a collection of people about traits shared by a certain category of person is called a stereotype. Brown (1986) simply defines a stereotype as ‘a shared conception of the character of a group’. E.g. female rugby players Stereotyping ‘The general inclination to place a person in categories according to some easily and quickly identifiable characteristics such as age, gender, ethnic group, nationality or occupation and then to attribute certain qualities believed to be typical to members of that category.’ (R. Tagiuri, 1969). NOW WRITE THIS IN YOUR OWN WORDS! BE PREPARED TO FEEDBACK TO THE GROUP

19 Stereotyping Stereotypes are rarely accurate, yet are extremely resistant to change. Media influence. Stereotyping can influences perceptions of self. There are many common held stereotypical views in sport and physical education: Girls are better than boys at aesthetic-type activities Boys are more competitive than girls Disabled people cannot play sport Disabled people do not enjoy competitive sport Black people are not very good at swimming Certain sports are better suited to black people than white people.

20 Changing Attitudes Can attitudes be changed? If so how? Why change attitudes? Who wants to change attitudes? Our knowledge of what makes up attitudes and their influences gives us some useful information about how we might go about changing negative attitudes into positive ones.

21 Changing Attitudes It is generally believed that attitudes are changed in relation to one of two theories (specified by Gill, 1986): 1. Persuasive communication 2. Cognitive dissonance theory. It is generally believed that attitudes are changed in relation to one of two theories (specified by Gill, 1986): 1. Persuasive communication 2. Cognitive dissonance theory.

22 1. Persuasion/Persuasive Communication Persuader is looking to influence the cognitive, affective and/or behavioural components of the persons attitude. E.g. persuade someone that exercise is fun so they participate. The effectiveness of the persuasion depends on: The person doing the persuading The quality of the message The characteristics of the person being persuaded (must be capable of understanding the message). Persuasive communication theory suggests that for an attitude to change the person must attend to, understand, accept and retain the message (Hovland et al., 1953).

23 1. Persuasion/Persuasive Communication Persuasion to change an attitude in sport works best when: The coach / teacher (person who is persuading) is perceived as: Expert (perceived as having high status or credibility) Trustworthy and the message /information given: is clear, relevant, believable, concise makes sense, is accurate, unambiguous (not having more than one meaning, certain) is appropriately balanced between: emotion and logic, pros and cons.

24 Persuasive Communication Theory There are 4 elements to persuasive communication theory… Fear of swimming 1. The Persuader2. The Message3. The Recipients4. The Situation This person needs to be perceived as significant and to high status. The message needs to be presented in a way that makes the recipient want to change an attitude. The attitude is more easily changed if the recipient really wishes to be changed. Attitudes are easier to change if there are other persuaders present.

25 What is…. Cognitive Dissonance?

26 2. Cognitive Dissonance Theory (Festinger) Festinger (1957) This theory states that all three elements involved in an attitude (according to the triadic model) should be consistent if the attitude is to remain stable and the individual to be content. If any elements conflict dissonance is created. According to Festinger, if dissonance is experienced, the person is motivated to change their beliefs, attitudes or thoughts in order to return to consonance.

27 2. Cognitive Dissonance Theory (Festinger) When a performer experiences dissonance they hold opposing ideas which cause an element of discomfort within the individual. For example: An athlete wants to perform a high level (behavioural) but does not want to train (affective). To stop the dissonance one of the conflicting ideas must be reduced or taken removed.

28 Changing Attitudes TASK: DESCRIBE how a coach might change the negative attitudes outlined in the scenarios below. Choose one scenario from… 1. A group of teenage girls thinks exercise is too hard and boring. 2. A group of teenage boys only want to play matches when they attend training sessions rather than work on skill development. 3. A group of middle age office workers done take part in exercise because they claim they don’t have the time, money or oppurtuntities to participate in the local area.

29 Strategies to change performers attitudes Reward the success elements of performance. Reward the success elements of squad involvement. Agree targets/goals with the performer. Give the performer an appropriate role/responsibility. Use positive role models (significant others, e.g. parents/coach) to demonstrate positive attitude. Give positive reinforcement of correct behaviour/attitude.

30 Strategies to change performers attitudes Coach/teacher/significant others/media/government body give negative feedback/criticism/punishment of unacceptable behaviour/attitudes. Pressure to conform applied by peer group/team. Attribute earlier failure to unstable/changeable factors. Highlight benefits, i.e. health, financial, success. Ensure training/practice is variable/enjoyable to maintain motivation/interest. Highlight performance/process goals rather than just outcome goals

31 Revision Q’s Answer the questions below. 1. Explain the term attitude object? 2. Do attitudes really help us predict behaviour? 3. What is dissonance? 4. Explain how an attitude can be changed by using cognitive dissonance.

32 Attitudes Overview

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