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Goals Build awareness of availability of online PD for state credit Partner with several of the 24 counties across the state and their corresponding.

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3 Goals Build awareness of availability of online PD for state credit Partner with several of the 24 counties across the state and their corresponding schools Sustainability

4 What districts does the station identify? Why? Approached by the Professional Development office in Washington County Public Schools (WCPS) in the fall of 2005 to offer a closed PBS TeacherLine (PBS TL) course to a select group of 15 teachers. Presented Thinkport and PBS TL to St. Mary’s (SMCPS) and Anne Arundel (AACPS) County Public Schools Library Media Specialists in the fall of 2005.

5 In Year 2 we partnered with St. Mary’s County (SMCPS) due to previous Thinkport PD trainings for Library Media Specialists. This is a small, rural school district on the western shore of MD with little to no online PD opportunities. In Year 3 we partnered with select schools in Baltimore City (BCPSS) as well as the Archdiocese of Baltimore Private Schools. We selected several Title I schools in BCPSS as opposed to the entire district to try and tailor a comprehensive program to the needs of individual schools. We have a long- standing relationship with the Archdiocese of Baltimore focused on teacher professional development and certification.

6 Why Private Schools? Many teachers in private settings are MD certified and wish to maintain HQT status. Many MD private schools are moving toward a more standards-driven curriculum so students can compete with their public school peers.

7 MPT’s enrollment from partner districts increased from 25% in Year 1 to 40% in Year 3. Enrollment from Title I schools in partner districts increased from 4% in Year 1 to 28% in Year 3 due largely in part to targeted marketing efforts to Title I Coordinators and f2f orientations. Certified teachers from AACPS and WCPS were hired to become facilitators for MPT’s PBS TeacherLine offerings. These teachers became advocates for the program. What does the station want to accomplish?

8 What does the station provide for partner districts? Offer a discounted fee structure to teachers in partner districts to prompt participation and enrollment. Implemented face-to-face orientations for teachers in partner districts new to online learning and the PBS TeacherLine program. MSDE certification available for all local offerings.

9 What does the station require in return? Teachers participating in courses provided feedback via online surveys in order to receive state credit or graduate credit for surveys Participation in f2f orientations twice a year. Promote local PBS TL program within the district. Promote

10 Successes Increase in average overall completion rate from 80% in Year 1 to 91% in Year 3 due largely in part to f2f opportunities. Increase in partner district enrollment from 25% in Year 1 to 40% in Year 3. Increase in course offerings from 11 in Year 1 to 32 in Year 3. Increase in Title I partner school district enrollments from 4% in Year 1 to 28% in Year 3. 9 PBS TL courses approved from Year 1 to Year 3. Several courses also renewed for credit. Increased overall numbers of facilitators from 6 in Year 1 to 20 in Year 3. 30% of our current facilitators are from partner districts.

11 Challenges Teacher participation in needs assessment Personnel changes within each partner school district Traveling to far-reaching counties to conduct f2f orientations Staffing changes within school systems Loss of funding for PD programs Travel time/expense for effective outreach Technology in far-reaching counties/underdeveloped schools Effective Implementation of f2f component of INST 315

12 Suggestions for Success Start small! Make connections within a school system and expand. Use what schools have to offer. IE…formal PD assessments, PD catalogs, interoffice mail/email. Plan ahead-contact schools/systems early and often to ensure your place in their PD offerings

13 What other initiatives have the partnerships generated? MPT piloted the Raising Readers RDLA051 course for Childcare providers in Baltimore City. MPT is now field testing our new educational game in an Archdiocese of Baltimore Middle School classroom. MPT is partnering with the Verizon Foundation to bring classroom and PD resources to teachers in several of our partner counties. MPT has been approached to present sessions at state-wide conferences.

14 What Lies Ahead….. Cadre of MPT facilitators will conduct f2f orientations in partner school districts and across the state. Offer additional courses to partner school districts with f2f options. Continue use of “retrospective pre” with additional marketing questions. Peer Connection Tool in 2 schools within one partner school district.

15 Questions? Nikki Mook Manager of Professional Development Maryland Public Television 410-581-4059 Local courses can be found at Click on Course Enrollment All local PBS Teacherline courses are MSDE approved!!!

16 Thank you!


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