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NuPECC MEETING June 12 - 13, 2009 Brussels Achim Richter, ECT* and TUD Director’s Report

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Presentation on theme: "NuPECC MEETING June 12 - 13, 2009 Brussels Achim Richter, ECT* and TUD Director’s Report"— Presentation transcript:

1 NuPECC MEETING June 12 - 13, 2009 Brussels Achim Richter, ECT* and TUD Director’s Report

2 Scientific activities at ECT* Workshops in 2009 Collaboration Meeting SFB/TR55 Organizers: T. Hemmert / University of Regensburg A. Schaefer / University Regensburg # of participants: 37 Sign Problems and Complex Actions Organizers: G. Aarts / Swansea University S. Chandrasekharan / Duke University # of participants: 26

3 Scientific activities at ECT* Workshops in 2009 Heavy Quarkonia Production in Heavy – Ion Collisions Organizers: D. Blaschke / University Wroclaw Ph. Crochet / University of Clermond-Ferrand R. Rapp / Texas A.& M. University # of participants: 45 Simulations of Low and Intermediate Energy Heavy Ion Reactions Organizer: J. Aichelin / University of Nantes H. Wolter / University of Munich # of participants: 22

4 Scientific activities at ECT* Workshops in 2009 Atomic Effects in Nuclear Excitation and Decay Organizers: P. Walker / University of Surrey, UK F.J. Currell / Queen's University, Belfast, UK Jeff Carroll / Youngstown State University, USA # of participants: 42 The 5 th International Pion – Nucleon PWA Workshop and Interpretation of Baryon Resonances Organizer: M. Giannini / University of Genova A. Svarc / Rudjer Boskovic Institute, Zagreb, Croatia M. Sadler / Abilene Christian University, USA L. Tiator / University of Mainz # of participants: 40


6 Scientific activities at ECT* Planned workshops in 2010 David d’Enterria, Ralph Engel, Torbjorn Sjostrand: intention for a workshop in the spring 2010. Title: “LHC cosmic rays” Klaus Jungmann, Yorick Blumenfeld: intention for a workshop in 2010. Title: “CP and T violation in atoms and nuclei” Carlos Bertulani, Bira van Kolck: intention for a workshop in the summer 2010 (May-August). Title: “The limits of existence of light nuclei“ Johannes Bluemlein, Harald Fritzsch, Michelangelo Mangano: intention for a workshop in the last week of September 2010. Title: “LHC Physics” Barbieri Carlo, Wim Dickhoff, Filomena Nunes, Jorge Piekarewicz: intention for a workshop in the spring or summer in 2010. Title: “Nuclear reactions and nucleon properties in rare isotopes” Alexis Diaz-Torres, Irene Burghardt, Craig C. Martens, Jeff Tostevin: intention for a workshop in the spring or summer in 2010. Title: “Decoherence in quantum dynamical systems”

7 Scientific activities at ECT* Joint Colloquium with the Physics Department April 8, 2009 Achim Richter Director of ECT* “Playing Billiards with Microwaves: Quantum Manifestations of Classical Chaos”

8 Scientific activities at ECT* Joint Colloquium with the BEC and the Physics Department May 18, 2009 Ignacio Cirac Max-Planck-Institut fuer Quantenoptik “Quantum computers and communications systems” The Joint Colloquium was followed by a Round Table discussion chaired by Prof. T. Calarco


10 Postdocs in 2009 May 31 Dec 31 Sep 30 A. Lisetskyy (Senior Res. Ass. : Nucl. Phys) Until Short list, 1 st offer out L. Fortunato C. Ramirez From: Senior Res. Ass. : Hadron Physics Junior Res. Ass. : from Sep. 1, 2009 Junior Res. Ass. : from Oct. 1, 2009 J.L. Albacete D. Binosi (Qurope / ECT*) T. Calarco (Consultant) L. Scorzato (BEN AURORA / ECT*) Bingwei Long V. Lenski Resigned Announced resp. filled:

11 Visitors in 2009 Short term: (<1 month) Alberto Accardi Andrea Beraudo Jean-Paul Blaizot Ignacio Cirac Lorenzo Fortunato Andreas Ipp Marco Panero Claudia Ratti Dionysis Triantafyllopoulos Long term: Paul Hoyer: 12 October-20 December Georges Ripka: 15 March-30 June

12 Status of BEN BEN - a Teraflops supercomputer at ECT* - has been reviewed by the Scientific Board of ECT* at its 50 th Meeting, January 10, 2009 No severe problems since then and 7 major projects (mainly from the U of Trento) were running BEN is approaching 5 years of activity and is still an important computational resource for the community. Some investments would be needed to keep it running a few more years However, when the AURORA project – a Petaflops supercomputer – will start, BEN will have to be shut down, since the access to its room is needed to install the first AURORA prototype module

13 Outline of the AURORA project AURORA is a Petascale computing project for science and engineering Joint effort between PAT / INFN / FBK-ECT* / U of Trento / FEM / ATreP / DEI PADUA and industrial partners EUROTECH and INTEL Recent collaboration with the Russian supercomputing project SKIF – AURORA and with QPACE / Regensburg and PETAQCD / Orsay Project is embedded into a large collaboration Furthermore, the collaboration involves people with experience from the HPC/APE line developed by INFN / DESY / ORSAY / EUROTECH


15 Present Status of the AURORA project Project of Petascale computing for science and engineering administered scientifically by ECT* First discussions about the project with participants from the U of Trento and the FBK started about 2 years ago Since then 3 scientific evaluations: one by an INFN committee, another one by a committee formed by the Scientific Board of the ECT* and also one by a scientific committee of the PAT Finally, last month during a visit of the INFN President Professor Petronzio in Trento it was agreed upon that the PAT and the INFN prepare an agreement how the first phase of AURORA could be financed and executed.

16 Provisional budget of AURORA Originally requested Envisaged to be granted Prototypes Personnel, meetings, schools, … Research positions expected for ECT* Approval in 2 phases Decision still expected within June 09 Updates of AURORA will be given at each following meeting 4.4 Mio € ~ 4 “ ~ 1.8 “ ~ 2.2 Mio € 2 – 4 18 + 18 months Prototype of ~ 25 Tflops (at ECT*) should be working

17 Budget and Status of Funding FBK / PAT + Outside funds = Budget In 2007: 521 k€ +633 k€=1.154 Mio€ In 2008: 736 k€+539 k€=1.275 Mio€ In 2009: Still only a provisional budget of an amount 1.201 Mio€

18 New strict rules for Workshops Presence sheet to be signed each day in addition to the presence book Three categories of support:organizers100% participants70% participants (self supported)lunches + 2 dinners No travel support

19 The official fixed start date of the Hadron Physics 2 project has been 01/01/2009. ECT* will be able to use € 450.000 for transnational access, i.e. any workshop, within the next two and a half years. First workshops have been partly financed through Hadron Physics 2. The Grant Agreement of the Hadron Physics 2 project has been counter-signed by the European Commission. Professor C. Guaraldo will send us shortly the ANNEX IV – FORM A - of the Grant Agreement to compile and to send back. Budget and Status of Funding Fourteen payment requests have been sent on April 22, 2009. So far, eleven countries have paid their contribution: Belgium (both Flemish and French speaking part),Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France CEA, France CNRS, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania. Seven countries still have not signed the MoU: Austria, Greece, Italy, Norway, Portugal, Spain and Sweden. FP7: Funding agencies:

20 Status Signatures MOU + POA (05/06/09)




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