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'It's not failure, it's just early termination!' An Autoethnography about Scientific Failure, Methods within Social Sciences and Unrequested Influences.

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Presentation on theme: "'It's not failure, it's just early termination!' An Autoethnography about Scientific Failure, Methods within Social Sciences and Unrequested Influences."— Presentation transcript:

1 'It's not failure, it's just early termination!' An Autoethnography about Scientific Failure, Methods within Social Sciences and Unrequested Influences to Research Cornelia Schadler

2 cornelia schadler, department of sociology, university of vienna content my (autoethnographic) story of doing research about own research the researcher and methods autoethnography as a proper method influences on research: emotions and sympathies

3 cornelia schadler, department of sociology, university of vienna start – a failed study 2 years of research withdrawal of confidence and permission to research consequences?

4 cornelia schadler, department of sociology, university of vienna what to do now? there is no way to talk about failure within the common ways of research documentation there is no way to talk about the researcher as an individual within the common ways of research documentation common methods do not allow to include the researchers self into the analysis a major ethical problem: I will have to talk in some ways about the group I studied and I am not allowed to talk about

5 cornelia schadler, department of sociology, university of vienna what I need for sociological research? legitimation by a method rules for research and writing existing studies to rely on names to drop

6 cornelia schadler, department of sociology, university of vienna solution? autoethnography

7 cornelia schadler, department of sociology, university of vienna autoethnography I is center subject = object = subject = object introspection and recall facts are fiction are facts

8 cornelia schadler, department of sociology, university of vienna use science studies in social science is research in own work or work of collegues

9 cornelia schadler, department of sociology, university of vienna autoethnography of failure research in a self-organized group which wanted to plan and build products for own usage two research phases of 8 months – biweekly or monthly gatherings of the group – Interviews with members

10 cornelia schadler, department of sociology, university of vienna emotions and sympathies phase I: high identification, being terrified Phase II: dissympathies, indifferency

11 cornelia schadler, department of sociology, university of vienna finish and conclude termination changed view, topic and methods of my research scientific knowledge= method + researchers personality + emotions

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