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1. Define system and sub-system. Explain the varios characteristics of a system 2. Discuss different kinds of skills which are required for a system analyst.

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Presentation on theme: "1. Define system and sub-system. Explain the varios characteristics of a system 2. Discuss different kinds of skills which are required for a system analyst."— Presentation transcript:


2 1. Define system and sub-system. Explain the varios characteristics of a system 2. Discuss different kinds of skills which are required for a system analyst at different stages of system development life cycle. 3. What do you mean by information system? Give importance of it in modern business. Also discuss different information systems in detail. 4. Discuss in detail the different phases of system development life cycle.

3 5. Differentiate with suitable example: i) Open and closed system ii) Deterministic and probabilistic system iii) Physical and abstract system 6. Write short notes on i) Physical & logical design ii) HIPO chart 7. What do you mean by file organization. Explain sequential file orgnization.

4 8. What is a decision table? Explain its types, advantages & disadvantages. In which situations should a decision table used. 9. Define testing. Explain its various levels. 10. What is maintenance procedure. Explain various types of maintenance.

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