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+ Bach & Mozart By: Rachel Shields : ). + I was born in 1756 I was born in 1756 I wrote “twinkle twinkle little star” I wrote “twinkle twinkle little.

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Presentation on theme: "+ Bach & Mozart By: Rachel Shields : ). + I was born in 1756 I was born in 1756 I wrote “twinkle twinkle little star” I wrote “twinkle twinkle little."— Presentation transcript:

1 + Bach & Mozart By: Rachel Shields : )

2 + I was born in 1756 I was born in 1756 I wrote “twinkle twinkle little star” I wrote “twinkle twinkle little star” I wrote my first three symphonies when I was 8 years old. I wrote my first three symphonies when I was 8 years old. I was considered a child prodigy and started performing music when I was 5 years old. I was considered a child prodigy and started performing music when I was 5 years old. I was married to Constanze Weber I was married to Constanze Weber I died when I was 35. I died when I was 35.

3 + I was born in 1685 I was the youngest in my family. I had a total of 10 children. I died in 1750 I believe the soul purpose for music being composed is to glorify God. I was orphaned when I was 10 years old.

4 + Early Life Mozart was born in 1756. Father started teaching him how to play the piano when he was 4 years old. Bach was born in 1685 in March. He started playing music when he was 10 years old.

5 + Adult life* In 1781 Mozart moved to Vienna where he spent time in St. Peters Church. In 1703 Bach became the organist at the Neukirche Arnstadt. Five years later he was the chamber musician to the Duke of Saxe-Weimar.

6 + Family Mozart Met Constanze Weber in 1781. Together they had 6 kids. Bach married Maria Barbara and together they had 7 children!

7 + ….Continued. Bach’s wife died in 1720 and he remarried Anna Magdalena and they had 10 children together.

8 + Later Years* Unfortunately for Mozart he did much better in his teen years. Mozart ended his life in debt and ill. He was ill for three months before he passed. Bach spend his last 10 or so years in Leipzig at St. Thomas’s. Quite a few of his last works were written while he lived there.

9 + Bach* Bach’s personality was a lot different from Mozart’s. Bach was a strong Lutheran and had strong morals that he followed. Bach actually wrote music for his religion

10 + Mozart** Mozart was probably the complete opposite of Bach. He didn’t have any sort of religious belief. Although it wasn’t a bad thing he wrote purely for entertainment purposes.

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