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Ohio Social Studies Strands for a 5th grade lesson: Coming to America: The Story of the Pilgrims by Stephanie Burke & Ali Lines.

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Presentation on theme: "Ohio Social Studies Strands for a 5th grade lesson: Coming to America: The Story of the Pilgrims by Stephanie Burke & Ali Lines."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ohio Social Studies Strands for a 5th grade lesson: Coming to America: The Story of the Pilgrims by Stephanie Burke & Ali Lines

2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Strand One: American Heritage Activities Websites Strand Two: People in Societies Activities Websites Strand Three: World Interactions Activities Websites Strand Four: Decision Making and Resources Activities Websites Strand Five: Democratic Processes Activities Websites Strand Six: Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities Activities Websites

3 Strand One: American Heritage

4 Activities 1. Read the book, “Squanto’s Journey” and discuss as a class Squanto and the hardships he faced in life. 2. Identify the role Squanto played in the relationship between the Pilgrims and the Native Americans. Discuss your answer in a one page essay. 3. Draw or construct a replica of the Mayflower.

5 Activities continued.. 4. Draw or find a picture of two means of transportation from our world today and two from the Plymouth colony. 5. Recommend the best types of crops to grow in the Plymouth colony area. This will be a group activity, each group must submit their list to the teacher.

6 Websites

7 Strand Two: People in Societies

8 Activities 1. Pretending that you are a Pilgrim, write a letter to your friends you left in England, explaining your reasons for coming to the New World. 2. We will have a class role play in which some students are Pilgrims and some are the King of England. We will replay the conversation in which the Pilgrims told the King that they wanted to leave England.

9 Activities continued.. 3. Using ellison cuts, trace the route the Mayflower took when it sailed off to America. 4. Using a map with a key or legend, estimate the number of miles the Mayflower traveled. 5. If you had $150.00 and had to prepare Thanksgiving dinner, what would you buy and how much would you spend?

10 Websites

11 Strand Three: World Interactions

12 Activities 1. Given latitude and longitude points students will be able to find the points on the map (Plymouth Colony, England, Holland) and color them in. 2. Draw a diagram of farms that Pilgrims had due to the physical environment of the area. 3. Pilgrims had to build special houses because of their physical environment, construct a Pilgrim house of your own and explain the special features it has.

13 Activities continued.. 4. Students will be either Native Americans, Pilgrims or reporters. Reporters will ask questions such as “How did the Native Americans help you” and “How did the Pilgrims help you?”. Everyone else must answer. 5. The students will write a journal entry answering the question, “Could the Pilgrims have survived without the help of the Native Americans?

14 Websites

15 Strand Four: Decision Making and Resources

16 Activities 1. Students will participate in a bartering activity with their classmates illustrating the concept of trade-offs for consumers. 2. The students will write a short essay (1 pg.) answering the question, “Do you think the Native Americans felt that their food supply was threatened by the arrival of the Pilgrims?

17 Activities continued.. 3. Use picture and bar graphs to examine the exchange of resources, goods, and services between the Native Americans and Pilgrims by making identifications, comparisons and predictions. 4. Pretend that you are a Native American. Write down the advantages and disadvantages of the arrival of the Pilgrims. 5. A class discussion of the change of supply and demand with the arrival of the Pilgrims.

18 Websites

19 Strand Five: Democratic Processes

20 Activities 1. Role-play a situation in which the Pilgrims and Native Americans are having a conflict. How would the government have handled that conflict? 2. Compare and contrast the government in England with that in the Plymouth colony. 3. If you were a Pilgrim, what rules and laws would you want in your colony? Make a list in groups.

21 Activities continued.. 4. Compare and contrast the government of the Pilgrims with our government today. Make a chart showing what you find. 5. Pretend you are a Pilgrim. Make an advertisement showing why people should come to your colony.

22 Websites

23 Strand Six: Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities

24 Activities 1. Given a list of facts/opinions about the Plymouth Colony students will determine what is fact and what is opinion. 2. Write a poem answering the following question: How were the Pilgrims courageous? 3. Read “Squanto’s Journey” to the third grade class.

25 Activities continued.. 4. Debate whether or not groups of people should be allowed to leave their homelands if they are not happy. 5. Design a Thanksgiving display on the school bulletin board.

26 Websites

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