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What is Communication?. Accurate transfer of information from sender to receiver Sender and receiver can be people, animals, or machines. Two way street.

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Presentation on theme: "What is Communication?. Accurate transfer of information from sender to receiver Sender and receiver can be people, animals, or machines. Two way street."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is Communication?

2 Accurate transfer of information from sender to receiver Sender and receiver can be people, animals, or machines. Two way street - To have good communication, we must be sure what we are saying is clearly understood

3 Person – Person Communication Most communication occurs among people. Interpersonal communication often uses speech. This is called verbal communication.

4 Person – Person Communication Is often enhanced by technological means. Speech is amplified by public address systems. Film and Videotape record gestures that can be seen at a later time and place.

5 Mass Communication Communication can reach mass amounts of people using technology. Mass communication systems include radio, television, books, magazines and newspapers.

6 Purpose of Communication Communication systems are designed with five different goals in mind. –Inform –Persuade –Entertain –Educate –Control

7 Inform To inform people we might use mass media like newspapers, radio or television. Other examples are announcements about concerts, school or community events, sales, births, deaths or marriages.

8 Persuasion Person to person communication is often used to persuade. Salespeople try to get customers to buy products Lawyers persuade judges and juries Advertisements use persuasion to sell products

9 Entertainment Entertainment is based on communication. Movies, books, cd’s, plays, dances, concerts and cartoons are all forms of communication used to entertain.

10 Education We use communication to educate people. Teachers communicate verbally with students, Newspapers provide education through articles Television documentaries educate viewers on many topics.

11 Control Communication can be used as a method of control. This can be seen in machine to machine communication. Thermostats communicate with furnaces to control temperature. Timers communicate with washing machines to control the washing cycle.

12 Communication Systems We are surrounded by many communication systems. Range from small calculators to a world wide telephone system All function to achieve a desired result – To communicate a message What Communication Systems do you use?

13 ASSIGNMENT TIME Now that you have learned some basics of communication technology, your instructor will give you an outline for a project that will help us investigate different forms of communication

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