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NITRA. The ancient Nitra, ruled by mighty kings and princes once in the past, is nowadays a modern centre of culture and economy in western Slovakia.

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2 The ancient Nitra, ruled by mighty kings and princes once in the past, is nowadays a modern centre of culture and economy in western Slovakia. Thanks its dynamic cultural life, you can meet here a number of artists from the field of theatre, creative arts, modern or classical music and experience the unforgettable feeling of the present cultural spirit. Events like Theatre Festival of Nitra, Fascine Carnival, Academic Nitra, Cultural Summer in Nitra or various music festivals will lead you into the world of culture, world of experience. The amount of precious well-preserved buildings and statues builds up the unique colouring of the city with a breath of nostalgia. On the other hand, the hotels with latest equipment and restaurants offering the wide scale of home and international cuisine will convince you about the traditional Slovak hospitality. Come to visit us and taste the atmosphere of wonderful Nitra.

3 Nitra is located about 60km west of the capital Bratislava and 8km away from the Tribec Mountains. The airfield itself is only 2km out of the town of Nitra and has hosted numerous World and European championships. As a result it has very good facilities including a swimming pool and a tennis court (very useful when you weren’t flying).

4 Nitra lies in the north temperate zone and has a continental climate with four distinct seasons. It is characterized by a significant variation between hot summers and cold, snowy winters. The city is located in the warmest and driest part of Slovakia CLIMATE

5 GEOGRAPHY Nitra lies at an altitude of 190 metres above sea level and covers an area of 100.48 square kilometres. It is located in the Nitra River valley in the Danubian Lowland, where the bigger part of the city is located. A smaller part is located at the southernmost reaches of the Tribeč mountains, more precisely at the foothill of the Zobor mountain. It is around half-way between Slovak capital Bratislava, 92 kilometres away and central Slovak city of Banská Bystrica, 118 kilometres away. Other towns in the surroundings include Trnava to the west, Topoľčany to the north, Levice to the east, and Nové Zámky and Komárno to the south. A national natural reservation called Zoborská lesostep is located within the city's boundaries.

6 WRITTEN BY Alessia, Claudia, Giada and Lara.

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