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Our school is 15 miles south of Sheffield in the county of Derbyshire.

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Presentation on theme: "Our school is 15 miles south of Sheffield in the county of Derbyshire."— Presentation transcript:

1 Our school is 15 miles south of Sheffield in the county of Derbyshire.

2  We live in the U.K.  We live in the country of England.  Our school is in the county of Derbyshire.  We have four seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter.  It is winter at the moment, so it is cold.  Here it gets light about 7.30am and goes dark at 5pm at the moment.  It will be lighter for longer in summer.

3 Sometimes it snows in winter. In spring the flowers start to grow again. Summer can be warm and sunny. In autumn the leaves change colour and fall off the trees.


5  We have 109 children at our school from ages 3-11.  School starts at 9am and ends at 3.15pm  We do lots of lessons including Literacy, Numeracy, Science, Computing, PE, Art, History and Geography.


7 We are working hard in our phonics lesson to learn new sounds to help us with our reading and writing. Sometimes we work together in a small group.

8 In Y3/4 we have been investigating how to light up a bulb. We discovered a 2 pence coin made the bulb light up! We found this very exciting! Here we are in a Numeracy lesson trying to work out calculations in our head.

9 These boys are busy on the netbooks! Working hard to make a book for our friends in France.

10 We like having PE lessons outside. Sometimes it is really cold so we have to wear a jumper, even when running! This is the skipping race.

11 We had lots of fun in autumn playing with the leaves!


13  We have a playtime at 10.30 until 10.45am  We enjoy playing games with our friends, especially football.  We have a piece of fruit at playtime.

14  Dinners come to our school by car!  Our school doesn’t have a kitchen so our dinners are cooked at a different school.


16 What do you learn at school? Do you play?

17 What kinds of sports do you play? What other fruits grow in your country?

18 Do you have homework? What kind of pets do you have?

19 Do you stay in the same classroom for all your lessons? How do you get to school and how long does it take?

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