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EBOS VCS VET course and competency entries. Delivery Types All VET course entries must be recorded on eBOS This applies to –school –TAFE and –private.

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Presentation on theme: "EBOS VCS VET course and competency entries. Delivery Types All VET course entries must be recorded on eBOS This applies to –school –TAFE and –private."— Presentation transcript:

1 eBOS VCS VET course and competency entries

2 Delivery Types All VET course entries must be recorded on eBOS This applies to –school –TAFE and –private provider delivered VET courses

3 School Delivered VET Course Enrolments

4 School Delivered VET Courses Enter the student for the appropriate VET course and HSC unit value. For example: Hospitality 2 unit 16750 Enter the intended qualification outcome. This will usually be the highest qualification attainable from the units being delivered. It is important to ensure that all qualifications entered are on the region’s scope of registration..

5 Units of Competency Enter the student for the units of competency that will be undertaken this calendar year, that is the 2009 units of competency only Units of competency may be entered on a student or class basis. Use the “All Students in this Course” function to enter competencies on a class basis..

6 Issuing RTO Ensure that your regional RTO is correctly entered as the RTO delivering the course

7 Reports Generate the Confirmation of Entry Report Generate the Confirmation of VET Competencies Report

8 Confirmation of Entry Report

9 Confirmation of VET Competencies Report

10 School Delivered VET Course Enrolment Tutorial Click on the icon below to access the school delivered VET course enrolment tutorial

11 TAFE Delivered VET Course Enrolments

12 TAFE Delivered VET Courses 1.Enter the student for the appropriate VET course Board Developed or Board Endorsed and unit value. For example: Animal Care 2 unit 41911 or Hospitality 2 unit 16750 2.Indicate that a NSW TAFE college is delivering the course by entering the appropriate TAFE number in the section adjacent to the Outside School/TAFE section. 3.No further entry of units of competency is required

13 TAFE Delivered Enrolment Tutorial Click on the icon below to access the tutorial on TAFE delivered VET course enrolments

14 Private Provider Delivered VET Courses A private provider contract must be in place for all private provider delivered VET courses For further information on private provider contracts and eBOS access for private providers click on the button below.

15 Private Provider Delivered VET Courses Enter the student for the appropriate VET course and unit value. For example: Hospitality 2 unit 16750 Enter the intended qualification outcome. This will be the qualification outcome specified on the approved private provider contract.

16 Enter Course RTOs For private provider delivery the delivering RTO/s must be specified for each VET course ( as per private provider contract) Each private RTO must be entered in the RTO Course delivery section There may be more than one RTO entered for each VET course

17 Enter the Issuing RTO For every VET enrolment with a private provider, the issuing RTO must be specified Select the relevant RTO from the drop down box Private providers will not have access to enter competencies and outcomes unless their RTO has been correctly entered in eBOS

18 Enter Competencies Enter the competencies to be undertaken with the private provider in this calendar year, as recorded on the approved private provider contract Some private providers enter competencies and outcomes directly into eBOS. The RTO and qualification must be entered by the school before the private provider can access eBOS

19 Private Provider Delivered Enrolment Tutorial Click on the icon below to access the tutorial on Private Provider delivered VET course enrolments

20 eBOS Support Additional support materials for eBOS are located on the Vocational Education in Schools Directorate intranet at :

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