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What’s in the ReStore project for you? David Martin ESRC National Centre for Research Methods.

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Presentation on theme: "What’s in the ReStore project for you? David Martin ESRC National Centre for Research Methods."— Presentation transcript:

1 What’s in the ReStore project for you? David Martin ESRC National Centre for Research Methods

2 Idea behind ReStore, what it is and what it isn’t Some examples How it works Relevance to RDI award holders Overview

3 ESRC investments such as RDI producing online resources Completed near to end of project funding Often of great practical value, but immediately begin to decay –Dated content or changed IT environment Lack of maintenance/visibility Why do we need ReStore?

4 Repository for online resources “Restoring”/enhancing quality and utility Promoting accessibility Sustainable service identity Being implemented as an NCRM activity Why ReStore?

5 A static web archive A continuation funding model for completed projects A research methods advice service A document repository A virtual learning environment Not aims of the project









14 Identify candidate resources Work with original resource authors Technical and academic review Assess value and work required Technical and academic updating Transfer into ReStore service Promote use and review How does it work?

15 Significant online content: not just project sites or documents Main phase – research methods resources from RMP, RDI, NCRM, QMI projects Not being actively maintained elsewhere In future – perhaps triggered by end of awards? Selection of resources for review

16 Parallel technical, academic and author reviews (i) Technical (ReStore team): site architecture, scripting, portability, broken links, media types, potential IPR issues… (ii) Academic (external reviewers): academic content, rigour, referencing, dated material… (iii) Author: reflective review, cross-cutting technical and academic, esp. re. IPR Review process

17 Recommendations considered by advisory committee ReStore team assessment of work required Decision sets in train approved package of work If not suitable, alternative strategies considered –Static archiving, maintenance elsewhere, etc. Consideration of reviews

18 Limited funding for updating and maintenance of sites by original authors or ReStore team Confirmation and sign-off of IPR issues Resources taken on by ReStore for initial period Indexing and promotion by ReStore team Redirection from original location ReStoration

19 Developing guidance for award holders –Based on practical experience with other cognate resources Input to ESRC strategy formulation with regard to online resources Development of repository practice for research resources Other activities

20 Consider accessibility –Stay user-focused Plan for sustainability post-award Consider relevant web standards Maintain IPR register –Record all contributors, permissions Monitor usage Guidelines for resource authors

21 Talk to us about your online resource development –Recent, present or future Take account of ReStore guidance principles –Esp. for any resources not yet completed Make use of online resources that are already available through ReStore What’s in it for you?


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