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Distributed File System at DAPNIA Dora Merelli Joël Surget 24.4.2001.

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1 Distributed File System at DAPNIA Dora Merelli Joël Surget 24.4.2001

2 DFS: why? §Just for the classical reasons: ¦ A single name space ¦ Independent from the physical location of data

3 DFS Root §Domain-based DFS ¦ Possibility to have Root Replicas ¦ DFS topology in Active Directory ¦ DFS server name = domain name \\DAPNIA\data

4 DFS root servers § 2 DFS root servers = 2 domain controllers §On each root server, a network share is created, named as the DFS root; for each DFS link, a folder is created under the share §ExampleExample

5 The DFS tree (1) §For each user: ¦ \\dapnia\data\users\user-name ` \\dapdc5\users\user-name ¦ \\dapnia\data\users\user-name_pub ` \\dapnia\data\users\user-name\public ¦ \\dapnia\data\scratch\user-name ¦ \\dapnia\data\profiles\user-name ¦ \\dapnia\data\dapdiv\user-name ` \\dapnt5\user-name

6 The DFS tree (2) §\\dapnia\data\produits For all distributions, including Group Policy deployed applications

7 Another DFS link exemple §\\dapnia\data\manip\CaoMeca\Catia\Doc_R4f ¦ \\sgpipcz19\b04fdoc §\\dapnia\data\manip\CaoMeca\Catia\Doc_R5 ¦ \\sgpipcz19\b05doc §\\dapnia\data\manip\CaoMeca\Projets ¦ \\dapdc5\manip\CAOProjets §ExampleExample

8 From the user point of view … §My Documents : Group Policy \\dapnia\data\users\user_name\My Documents §J: home directory \\dapnia\data\users\user-name §Logon Script (Braunschweig meeting) ¦ K: connected to \\dapnia\data\scratch\user-name ¦ N: connected to \\dapnia\data\dapdiv\user-name ¦ Network Place: DFS root (data on dapnia …) ` Script Script §ExampleExample

9 To manage the DFS tree (1) § "Distributed file system" snap-in ¦ Define/delete DFS links ¦ Check link status ¦ Define root replicas ¦ Check root replicas status Example

10 To manage the DFS tree (2) §DFSCMD command-line tool ¦ Comes with the DFS server installation ¦ Allows to completely manage a DFS tree: ` /map ` /unmap ` /view ` /view \batchrestore Output a batch file to recreate the DFS using the /restore switch Example

11 Clients §Windows 2000 §Windows NT4 sp4 in the same domain (?) §W95/98/Me with DFS Client in the same domain (?) §Does not work with NT4 in another domain (sp7 needed)

12 Problems §Slow §If one of the servers goes offline, clients are disconnected … §DFS tree corruption (important to regularly execute: dfscmd /view \batchrestore) §Problems mapping network drives to dfs links when home directory points to a dfs link

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