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Part 5 The Religious Path and Preparing the Foundation for True Parents The Essentials of Unification Principle and World Peace.

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1 Part 5 The Religious Path and Preparing the Foundation for True Parents The Essentials of Unification Principle and World Peace

2 Human responsibility and restoration through indemnity Fulfilment of God’s willGod’s responsibility + Human responsibility 95% 5% (100% effort) When human beings fail in their responsibility, God’s will is NOT done. God does not interfere in human responsibility, but he gives human beings a way to recover their position by making conditions of indemnity. Indemnity = a payment to recover a lost position or status. A reverse course by which responsibility is taken for the sin. Pure person Impure person Honest person liar Original position status Fallen position Evil/sinful act Lie Confess Expose the lie Adultery fornication Sexual abstinence Condition of Indemnity

3 The Role of Religious People in Human History The Struggle Between Good and Evil – The Hidden Dimension of History God Religious conscientious person/family/nation Selfish person family/nation Satan Relatively good Relatively evil The responsibility of religious/conscientious people To indemnify/restore Adam and Eve’s failure GodSatan Selfish Mind (Body) Heart Conscience (Mind) Religious Conscientious person Relatively Selfish person Abel (younger) Cain (elder) Adam Abel’s Responsibility 1.Self-denial – change direction 2.Restore faith, love and obedience to God. 3.Become a person of love who embodies truth and loves his enemy, Cain, such that he wins him to God’s side. Ind Family Tribe/nation

4 History of Restoration through central figures The responsibility of religious, (conscientious) people: 1.To restore Adam and Eve’s failure 2.To enable a 2 nd Adam to be born 3.To establish a (national) foundation to receive the 2nd Adam (True Parents) 2. Growth 1.Formation 3. Completion God Eve Adam Children Fall Satan Eve Adam Children Adam + Eve God Eve Adam Children Meet the 2 nd Adam, Messiah, True Parents

5 Adam God Cain Abel Noah Japheth Shem Ham Seth Abram Ishmael Isaac Esau Jacob 10 sons 2 sons Joseph 2 sons Joseph Family Noah Abraham Isaac Jacob Moses Judah Eve Noah’s wife Noah’s wife Sarah Rebekah Leah Tamar Jesus Mary Perez Zerah Rachel Nation Moses David World Abel’s (Adam’s) Responsibility 1. a) Self-denial – change direction b) Restore faith, love and obedience to God. 2. Become a person of love who embodies truth and loves his enemy (Cain) such that he wins him to God’s side and restores the position of authority (eldersonship) to God. Sarah Rebekah Tamar Mary Eve’s Responsibility 1. a) Self-denial – change direction b) Restore faith, love and obedience to God. 2.At risk of life Against the tradition/law Laban Pharoh Archangel Joseph Satan

6 Jesus’ Mission as the 2nd Adam/Messiah/True Parent Satan AdamEve selfish children Selfish Family Society, World False Parents False love False life False lineage God JesusBride True children True Family, Society, World True Parents true love True life True lineage 2nd Adam 2nd Eve Restoration John the Baptist Israel Judaism Blessing/Rebirth change of blood lineage

7 Jesus Israel Semitic Peoples Zoroastrianism Hinduism Jainism Buddhism Rome Greek Philosophy Science and technology Taoism Confucianism East- Spiritual Civilisation West- Material Civilisation The Axial Period 600 – 400 BC

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