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Recovering From Failures in Pro-E. Working In the Resolve Environment Pro/E provides an error resolution environment for recovering from changes that.

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1 Recovering From Failures in Pro-E

2 Working In the Resolve Environment Pro/E provides an error resolution environment for recovering from changes that have caused a model to fail regeneration. As soon as a regeneration fails, Pro/E enters the Resolve environment, where the failed feature and all subsequent features remain unregenerated. The current model displays only the regenerated features as they were at the last successful regeneration. Options:  UNDO CHANGES: Undo all changes made since last successful regeneration.  INVESTIGATE: Diagnose the cause of the model failure.  FIX MODEL: Fix the problems within this environment while using standard part or assembly functionality.  QUICK FIX: Attempt a QUICK FIX of the problems using shortcuts for performing standard operations on the failed feature.  Choose to work on current failed model or backup model.

3 INVESTIGATE In the Investigate menu options are as follow: Current Modl or Backup Modl Diagnostics: Toggle on or off the display of the failed feature diagnostic window. List Changes: Show the modified dimensions in the Main window and in a preregenerated model window. Also a table that lists all the modifications and changes. Show Ref: Shows all the references for the failed feature in the models. Failed Geom: Displays the invalid geometry of the failed feature and a Restore command. Roll Model: Roll the model back to the option selected in the Roll Modl To menu. Fix Model:

4 Fix Model In the FIX MODEL menu the options are: Current Modl or Backup Modl Feature Modify: Modify dimensions. Regenerate Switch Dim: Switch the dimension display from symbols to values. Set Up: Display the PART SETUP menu to perform additional part setup procedures. X-Section: Create, modify, or delete a cross-sectional view using the CROSS SEC menu. Restore: All Changes Dimensions Parameters Relations

5 Undo Changes PROBLEM: Failure of Regeneration SOLUTION: In the resolve menu pick FIX MODEL then RESTORE. In this menu examine the changes you specified, then select any that you would like to UNDO. Sometimes dimensions were entered incorrectly or you just made a typo. After making your selections REGENERATE from the FIX MODEL menu.

6 Anticipating Regeneration Problems? Use the REGENBCKUP option in the ENVIRONMENT menu. If you don’t set the Regen Backup option, PRO-E will go to the last saved version. Tip: Save often this way the last saved version is relatively current.

7 Invalid Geometry In the Resolve Menu choose INVESTIGATE>FAILED GEOM and there will be a display of the failed geometry and a Restore command

8 Finding the Feature Reference To find out where the references are use the INVESTIGATE option in the RESOLVE FEATURE menu. In the INVESTIGATE menu the two choices are CURRENT MODL and BACKUP MODL. CURRENT MODL is the default but by choosing BACKUP MODL you can check the references of a feature or investigate how it was created. If the SHOW REF option of the INVESTIGATE menu was chosen, the previous references of the failed part of the model with the reference is highlighted on the backup model. After viewing the error go back to the Resolve FEATURE menu and select QUICK FIX, and redefine.

9 Finding “Missing” Component In the RESOLVE menu choose FIX MODEL and then FIND COMPONENT, the browser will pop up and then look for the component.


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