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The Spread of Enlightenment Ideas.  Clarification of the natural world through science Advancements in biology, geology, astronomy  Many ideas influenced.

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Presentation on theme: "The Spread of Enlightenment Ideas.  Clarification of the natural world through science Advancements in biology, geology, astronomy  Many ideas influenced."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Spread of Enlightenment Ideas

2  Clarification of the natural world through science Advancements in biology, geology, astronomy  Many ideas influenced by Newton’s Principia Universe as a machine governed by fixed laws God as “master mechanic”

3  Equality Usually white, rich, men  Freedom Press, speech, religion  Reason/Logic  Scientific Methods  Popular Sovereignty “People Power”

4  Thinkers = “philosophes”  Many follow Locke’s politics and Newton’s science  Beliefs: free speech, right to liberty  Disapprove: superstition, religious opposition to new science

5  Intellectuals met in homes = “salons”  Writers, artists, educated people  Mingling of classes  Famous: Madame de Pompadour

6  1751  28 volumes of information Science, technology, history  Edited by Denis Diderot  Criticized church and government  Encourage tolerance  Banned by Catholic Church

7  Wrote The Spirit of Laws Focus of works = politics  Admired English gov’t system  Separation of Powers 3 Branches: Legislative, Executive, Judicial  Influence on U.S. Constitution

8  Author (poetry, plays, essays, books) Candide – most famous work  Jailed 2x for insulting church/nobility Banished to England  Supported: Bacon’s philosophy, Newton’s science, religious liberty, free press  Immense supporter of free speech

9  Ideas of freedom and equality did not apply to women  Hosted salons  Rights limited to home and family  Mary Wallstonecraft: A Vindication of the Rights of Women Equal education

10  Monarchs who would bring political and social change  Use Enlightenment principles  Prussia – Frederick II – absolute monarch Voltaire’s ideas Torture abolished (except treason/murder), elementary schools, promote industry/agriculture  Russia – Catherine II Voltaire’s ideas Do as I “say”…put more people into serfdom

11  Austria – Empress Maria Theresa Disagree with secularism (removal of Church) Elementary schools, freeing serfs on her land  Austria – Joseph II (son of Maria Theresa) Abolishes serfdom, all land taxes equal, named middle-class officials to government (not nobles) Free press Religious freedom, took lands from Catholic church Legacy: Many changes too severe; nobles revolt; Leopold III (successor) revokes

12  Church Practices being challenged  Nobility Losing power to commoners  Monarchs Own positions threatened by giving away too much power

13  People should rely on instinct and emotion Too much Enlightenment focus on reason  People are – by nature – good Corrupted by institutions Personality shaped by education and experience  The Social Contract – 1762 Right to rule rests with the people People can remove oppression to rule selves

14  Reason cannot answer metaphysical questions Metaphysics – branch of philosophy dealing with spiritual issues, such as God  Critique of Pure Reason – 1781 Reality = separate physical and spiritual worlds Physical world: knowledge through reason Spiritual world: knowledge through faith

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