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Histo-Labels Easy to use and fun to setup. Create and edit all label menus to fulfill your slide labeling requirements. Print to any printer installed.

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Presentation on theme: "Histo-Labels Easy to use and fun to setup. Create and edit all label menus to fulfill your slide labeling requirements. Print to any printer installed."— Presentation transcript:


2 Histo-Labels Easy to use and fun to setup. Create and edit all label menus to fulfill your slide labeling requirements. Print to any printer installed on Windows. Saves time and money while providing the highest quality labels.

3 Histo-Labels Main Menu All Label Menus you create will appear in this Panel Test window.

4 Histo-Labels Main Menu Assign your most frequently used label menus to the available command buttons.

5 Histo-Labels Main Menu Click on Laboratory Name to begin printing labels for a new location.

6 Histo-Labels Main Menu Click on new Laboratory Name.

7 Histo-Labels Main Menu New Labels will be created with the new laboratory name printed at the bottom of the labels.

8 Histo-Labels Setup Main Menu To go the Setup Program, click on File, then on Setup Program.

9 Histo-Labels Setup Setup Menu The setup program will allow you to customize the Histo-Labels program specifically for your laboratory by defining accession prefixes, label page formats, laboratory maintenance setup screens, printer setup screens and special procedures.

10 Accession Descriptions Setup Menu The Accession descriptions that are entered in this screen, will be displayed in the setup screens for each facility that you create. Since many facilities utilize different prefixes and specimen number formats, you can define a unique prefix and specimen number format for each accession description at each facility.

11 Accession Descriptions Setup Menu This Accession Description Setup screen is where you enter all the descriptions which use different specimen number prefixes within your laboratory.

12 Label Menus Setup Program The Label Menu Setup Program is what makes the Histo-Labels program so unique. You define each label menu specifically the way you want your labels formatted, what information you want printed and the exact location on the label you want it printed.

13 Label Menus Setup Menu Click on a label menu format to edit, or click on New to create a new label menu format. Let’s begin by looking at how the Immuno Label menu was created.

14 Label Menus Setup Menu Enter a description of the label menu. This is the name that will appear in the Panel Test Window.

15 Label Menus Setup Menu Enter a letter prefix for this label menu if applicable, or select from one of the previously defined accession descriptions to use the default prefix based on the laboratory selected. In this case we selected ‘Surgical Routine’ with the system then filling in the prefix and prefix format fields.

16 Label Menus Setup Menu The Main Menu Button is a number from 1 - 9 which will assign this label menu to one of the command buttons on the main menu. The main menu command buttons are numbered 1-9 from top to bottom, left to right.

17 Label Menus Setup Menu The system has multiple prompts already defined, however,you can add up to four additional prompts for information in these fields.

18 Label Menus Setup Menu The prompt for each subscript is a ‘Y’ or ‘N’ response. A ‘N’ response will only prompt once for each specimen number where a ‘Y’ response will prompt again after each group of subscripts entered.

19 Label Menus Setup Menu Next define whether you want to enter a new specimen number each time (Single) or enter a beginning and ending specimen number (Consecutive).

20 Label Menus Setup Menu Subscript or Line Style will determine the order in which the labels are generated. You will get the same labels either way, simply arranged in a different order based on your preference.

21 Label Menus Setup Menu The second label menu setup screen is where you define what information you want on the label and where you want it printed.

22 Label Menus Setup Menu Based on the available prompts listed at the bottom of the screen, begin entering the information for your label menu and where you want it to be placed.

23 Label Menus Setup Menu In this example, we want two labels for each specimen subscript and for each immuno procedure performed. The specimen number {F2} will be on line 1.

24 Label Menus Setup Menu The subscript and the literal text “ (-Cont/-Pt)” will be on line 2.

25 Label Menus Setup Menu The name of the immuno procedure will be on line 3.

26 Label Menus Setup Menu And finally the patient name will be on Line 4.

27 Label Menus Setup Menu The second label will be identical with the exception of line 2 which defines this label as the Positive Control Slide Label.

28 Label Menus Setup Menu Each label panel must have a designated end point. This is where the end panel marker (! – Exclamation Point) is used. Place this marker on the next blank label, Line 1.

29 Label Menus Setup Menu The final step is to save your newly created label menu. Click on Save.

30 Laboratory ID Maintenance Setup Menu The Laboratory ID Maintenance is where you enter the text you want to print on each label as well as define the accession number prefix and formats for each of the facilities you generate labels for.

31 Laboratory ID Maintenance Setup Menu The first screen displays each of the laboratory names currently setup in the system. To edit or delete a current name, click on the name and then on the corresponding action button at the bottom. To add a new Laboratory name, click on New.

32 Laboratory ID Maintenance Setup Menu The Laboratory Display Name is a description of the location you are entering. This name does not print on the labels.

33 Laboratory ID Maintenance Setup Menu The Laboratory Print Name is the text that will be printed on each of the labels. You can enter up to three lines of information to be printed.

34 Laboratory ID Maintenance Setup Menu The Key Code is a tool used to prevent unauthorized copies of the program from being distributed. You will be provided with one key code matching your Laboratory Print Name with your purchase. If you print labels for more than one facility, you can obtain additional key codes for a small fee.

35 Laboratory ID Maintenance Setup Menu The accession descriptions you entered previously in the Setup program will be displayed on the left side. You then define the Accession Prefix and accession number format for each of the listed descriptions.

36 Laboratory ID Maintenance Setup Menu The Accession Format defines how the specimen number will be printed. The letter P indicates the Accession Prefix. The letter Y indicates the two digit year. The # symbol indicates the specimen number. The /# indicates the absolute length of the specimen number.

37 Laboratory ID Maintenance Setup Menu For example, let’s look at a routine surgical case number 2345 PY-# would print the accession number as S03-2345 P-Y-#/5 would print as S-03-02345 Y-#-P/6 would print as 03-002345-S

38 Laboratory ID Maintenance Setup Menu Click on save to save your changes. If an incorrect key code has been entered, the changes will be discarded.

39 Printer / Label Page Setup Menu The Printer / Label Page Setup screen is where you will define the printer to be used and the dimensions of the labels.

40 Printer / Label Page Setup Menu Each new printer/label file you create details the dimensions of the labels and which windows printer will be used. You can create several printer/label definitions using the same windows printer.

41 Printer / Label Page Setup Menu Enter a brief printer description. You description should include both the printer being used and the label type.

42 Printer / Label Page Setup Menu The application printer box will display a window containing all of you currently installed window printers.

43 Printer / Label Page Setup Menu The Printer Font box will also display a window listing all available fonts for the application printer you selected.

44 Printer / Label Page Setup Menu The remaining fields relate to the label dimensions. These should all be entered in inches (Decimal format).

45 Printer / Label Page Setup Menu For dot matrix printers, you will need to enter your number of rows and Label Sheet Size Height as 1. You will also need to create a user defined paper size in windows under your printer properties corresponding to the label sheet size width and height.

46 Printer / Label Page Setup Menu Your top and left margin settings will depend on the type of printer you are using. This will be a trial and error method to obtain the perfect placement of the text on the label.

47 Special Procedures Setup Menu The Special Stain, Immunoperoxidase and Cytology Source code setup screens allow you to create a file which lists your more frequently used procedures.

48 Special Procedures Setup Menu These procedures can the be selected at the time of label creation, thus eliminating the need to type the full procedure name each time.

49 Setup Menu Completed Setup Menu Congratulations! You have completed the tutorial on the Histo- Labels Setup Program.

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