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Role and deficiency symptoms of micronutrients in Tomato

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1 Role and deficiency symptoms of micronutrients in Tomato

2 Introduction Micronutrients are used in very small amounts but are important to plant development as the major nutrients They improve the quality of produce Micronutrient deficiencies are emerging in intensively cultivated lands Micronutrients extensively studied for tomato are B, Fe, Mn, Mo and Zn

3 Role of Boron in Plants Essential for germination of pollen grains and growth of pollen tubes Essential for seed and cell wall formation Necessary for sugar translocation Affects nitrogen and carbohydrate Promotes fruit maturity

4 Boron deficiency symptoms
Poor root growth Death of cells of shoot apex Stems stiff and terminal buds die Lateral shoots develop giving plant flat top Leaves highly purple, brown and yellow tinted Fruits pitted and corky areas in skin Ripening uneven and cracking of fruits Application of borax kg/ha can overcome deficiency. Foliar spray of 0.2 – 0.3% boric acid solution is also recommended

5 Boron deficiency symptoms in tomato
Source: article.php?ch =t&id=289 Source:

6 Role and deficiency symptoms of Iron in Tomato
Promotes formation of chlorophyll Acts as an oxygen carrier Part of reactions involving cell division and growth Deficiency Symptoms Leaves show strong chlorosis at the base with some green netting Interveinal chlorosis of the youngest leaves results into overall chlorosis Bleached areas often develop necrotic spots

7 Iron deficiency symptoms in tomato
Source: article.php?ch=t&id=289 Source:

8 Role and deficiency symptoms of Zinc in Tomato
Aids plant growth hormones and enzyme system Necessary for chlorophyll production Necessary for carbohydrate formation Necessary for starch formation Aids in seed formation Deficiency Symptoms Yellowing between veins of new growth Terminal (end) leaves may form a rosette

9 Zinc deficiency symptoms in tomato

10 Role and deficiency symptoms of Manganese in Tomato
Functions as a part of certain enzyme systems Aids in chlorophyll synthesis Increases the availability of P and Ca Deficiency Symptoms Slow plant growth Younger leaves turn pale yellow, often starting between veins. May develop dark or dead spots Leaves, shoots and fruit diminished in size Failure to bloom

11 Manganese deficiency symptoms in tomato
Source: Source:

12 Role and deficiency symptoms of Molybdenum in Tomato
Required to form the enzyme "nitrate reductase” Aids in the formation of legume nodules Needed to convert inorganic phosphates to organic forms in the plant Deficiency Symptoms Older leaves yellow, remaining foliage turns light green Leaves can become narrow and distorted

13 Molybdenum deficiency symptoms in tomato

14 Let us sum up Each plant prefers a specific pH range to be able to access the micronutrients nutrients in the soil. The pH should be close to 7 for better absorption of nutrients Plant micronutrient deficiencies often manifest as foliage discoloration or distortion If micronutrient deficiency persists it should be corrected by external application in right quantity in right time to get optimum yield


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