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Risk Adjusted Investing The Changing Climate Ahead Key economic indicators have signaled trouble ahead for some time now…………………. but are we listening?

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Presentation on theme: "Risk Adjusted Investing The Changing Climate Ahead Key economic indicators have signaled trouble ahead for some time now…………………. but are we listening?"— Presentation transcript:



3 Risk Adjusted Investing The Changing Climate

4 Ahead Key economic indicators have signaled trouble ahead for some time now…………………. but are we listening?

5 Price of Oil

6 Housing


8 Domestic Car Makers

9 The Dollar

10 Savings Rate

11 Balance of Trade

12 Manufacturing

13 Get the Picture?

14 Top 10 Commercial Casket Models 10. The Dirt Master 9. Tupper Tomb 8. Krazy-Kasket from Whammo 7. The Slim Reaper 6. The 19th Hole 5. McCoffin Styrofoam Casket 4. The Comfort-King Velvetliner 3. Cap'n Crypt 2. The Cardboard Warrior 1. The La-Z-Boy Eterna-Lounger

15 Curriouser Investor Confidence

16 And Curriouser

17 Over the last 12 to 18 months we have come to believe that we can weather any economic storm. Over the last 12 to 18 months we have come to believe that we can invest with impunity. However, yields are at historic lows

18 Bonds

19 RE Cap Rates

20 Stocks


22 The Result: We now look for high yields despite the risk! (We can weather any storm, remember?)

23 Narrowing Bond Yields

24 CCC Bonds 25% Chance of Default! Historically less than 5% of the total bond market In the last 12 months they represent 25% of the market! Paying only 300 basis points over AAA!

25 Real Estate ½ Trillion Dollars lined up to buy real estate If you buy existing property the return is only 5% So the answer: build speculative property with a planed return of 10% and with no measure of the risk to sell or lease these up


27 The New Average Investor Now willing to accept a high risk for a relatively low yield No calculation of a Risk Premium Justifying this use of “outlying investments” by calling it diversification when it is just a search for higher yield.

28 A Note on Mortgages The National Association of Realtors say that the median price of a home will decline for the first time since the depression. 1/3 of all mortgages in 2006 were sub-prime or risky 75% of all written sub-primes come with an interest adjustment that kicks in in 2 to 3 years

29 The Open Questions Is this a permanent change in the investing environment? How does this impact our clients portfolio make up in the next ten years How do we manage this new level of risk

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