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Talk To Your Problem!!! Don’t Talk About Problem.

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Presentation on theme: "Talk To Your Problem!!! Don’t Talk About Problem."— Presentation transcript:

1 Talk To Your Problem!!! Don’t Talk About Problem

2 When your talk is positive, good things start to happen. When your talk is negative, misery and limitations become your unwanted guests.

3 When you talk about your problems with everyone you meet, you magnify those challenges until they become a stronghold in your mind. They occupy the high ground and rooting them out is difficult.

4 Every time you talk about your problems, you increase their power. When you focus on them, they become stronger, and you become weaker.

5 If you have faith the size of a grain of mustard seed, you can tell a mountain to move into the sea, and it will happen. You have to talk to the mountains in your life before they will move.

6 All of your problems - your mountains - are waiting to hear from you, and if you start speaking words of faith, your mountains will move. No matter what your problem, you must talk to it.

7 If you are depressed, you must talk to your depression and start pushing back. Tell your depression that God's love is the most positive and most powerful force in the universe, and His love is filling your heart and mind.

8 Tell your depression that you are made in the image of God, and that God loves you and accepts you the way that you are.

9 Tell your depression that God's love changes the way you think and feel. You are a new person with a new life.

10 The wheel of change always turns in the direction of what you put into your mind, and you must start filling your mind with positive things.

11 If you want to move a mountain of depression out of your life, you'll have to start talking to your depression rather than talking about it.

12 If your life is full of problems, don't make matters worse by commiserating over your problems with everyone you meet. Instead, start talking to your mountains and cast them into the sea.

13 The first step in getting well, is wanting to get better. When you want to get better, and you expect to get better, you will no longer talk about your problems. You will start talking to your problems and mountains will start moving in your life.

14 From now on, I talk to myself… I am what I think about all day long. Whoever I am, I am that person first in my mind. Whatever I accomplish, I accomplish it first in my mind. Whatever I become, I become it first in my mind.

15 The way I use my mind defines what it means to be me. At the most basic level, I am what I think about all day long. I think about all day long.

16 My mind is the only part of me that can change or that would ever be worth changing. If I want to change who I am, I must change the collection of thoughts that defines what it means to be me.

17 What I think about is important, because it changes who I am. because it changes who I am.

18 When I think positive thoughts, I become a more positive person. more positive person.

19 When I think empowering thoughts, I become a strongerperson.

20 When I think resourceful thoughts, my life moves in the direction of excellence, and I become a better person. I become a better person.

21 When I think unlimited thoughts, I realize there is no limit to how good my life can become. I become what I think about all day long!!!

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