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1 Improving Education for English Learners: Research-Based Approaches Bilingual Coordinators’ Network Meeting Sacramento May 15, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Improving Education for English Learners: Research-Based Approaches Bilingual Coordinators’ Network Meeting Sacramento May 15, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Improving Education for English Learners: Research-Based Approaches Bilingual Coordinators’ Network Meeting Sacramento May 15, 2009

2 2 Purpose of Today’s Session Introduce a new research-based book about education for English learners to be published by the California Department of Education in the fall of 2009 -pending final CDE approval Provide an overview of selected chapter highlights Give ideas of how this volume may be used for professional development

3 3 A New Book to be Published by CDE in 2009 Title: Improving Education for English Learners: Research-Based Approaches Purpose: to provide practical guidance on research-supported practices for ensuring language, academic, and socio-cultural proficiency for English learners.

4 4 A New Book to be Published by CDE in 2009 Audience: Teacher Trainers Profession Development Providers Resource Teachers Administrators Teachers Policy Makers Community Leaders

5 5 Strengthening Instruction for English Learners Ensuring Acquisition of English Enhancing Academic Performance Closing the Achievement Gap Cross-Cultural and Inter-Cultural Competence

6 6 California’s Interest in English Learners State English Learner Enrollment Total Enrollment Percent English Learners California 1,591,5256,198,23725.7 Texas 684,0074,405,21515.5 Florida 299,3462,639,96011.3 New York 203,5832,858,5007.1 Illinois 192,7642,097,5039.2 Arizona 155,7891,029,50915.1 Source: USDE 2006, NCELA

7 7 California’s English Learners Language Groups over 1% of Total 2007-08 LanguageNumberPercent Spanish1,320,98185.1% Vietnamese34,7122.2% Pilipino22,3891.4% Cantonese21,5511.4% Hmong19,7151.3% Korean16,7991.1% Total92.5% Source: 2008 R-30 Language Census

8 8 Value of Volume CDE Statement on English Learners Research-Based Scholarly Papers each written by teams of two well-known and respected experts in the field Practical – Response to Common Questions from the Field Content and Presentation Referried

9 9 Contents of Volume Schooling English Learners: Contexts and Challenges: Veronica Aguila Research to Guide English Language Development Instruction: William Saunders and Claude Goldenberg English Language Development: Foundations and Implementation in Kindergarten through Grade 5: Ann Snow and Anne Katz English Language Development: Issues and Implementation at Grades 6-12: Susana Dutro and Kate Kinsella Effective Literacy Instruction for English Learners: Diane August and Timothy Shanahan Programs and Practices for Effective Sheltered Content Instruction: Jana Echevarria and Deborah Short Alternative Educational Programs for English Learners: Kathryn Lindholm-Leary and Fred Genesee A Contemporary View of the Design and Delivery of English Medium Programs for English Learners: David Dolson and Lauri Burnham-Massey

10 10 Developing a Comprehensive Program State and Federal Legal Framework Research Key Components: ELD, Sheltered Content, L 1, and Mainstream English Program Enhancements Nested in Effective Schools

11 11 Legal Framework Federal United States Constitution Federal statutes Federal Regulations Federal Court Decisions Federal Administrative Actions: Policy Memoranda, letters to the field, etc. State California Constitution California Statutes: Ed. Code California Regulations California Court Decisions CDE Directives / LEA Policies

12 12 Program Differentiation Language Proficiency English Learner Distribution Language Groups Student Characteristics

13 13 Selected Chapter Highlights

14 14 Chapter #1: Schooling English Learners: Contexts and Challenges (Veronica Aguila) California’s Superintendent of Public Instruction, Jack O’Connell has suggested that the academic achievement gap between ethno-linguistic minority students and other students, as represented by test scores, drop out rates, and college admissions and completions, is the most persistent and pressing challenge facing public schools… (O’Connell, 2008). This volume represents an anchor publication to assist school districts in the design, implementation, and evaluation of programs for English learners over the coming years.

15 15 Chapter #2: Research to Guide English Language Development Instruction (Saunders and Goldenberg) The purpose is to synthesize existing research that provides direction for English language development (ELD) instruction. The complex research leades to categories based on the nature of the evidence we currently have: –Guidelines for which there is a relatively strong supporting evidence directly applicable to ELD instruction (1-2) –Guidelines that are hypotheses emerging from recent research on ELD instruction (3-11) –Guidelines we think are applicable to ELD instruction but grounded in non-English learner research (12-14)

16 16 Chapter #3: English Language Development: Foundations and Implementation in Kindergarten through Grade 5 (Snow and Katz) Foundations of ELD for Young Learners Designing ELD Instruction and Assessment –Using standards to organize ELD –The role of academic language –Strategies for ELD instruction Examples of Effective ELD Instruction Professional Development

17 17 Chapter #4: English Language Development: Issues and Implementation at Grades 6-12 (Dutro and Kinsella) Linguistic Challenges for Adolescent English Learners Description of Instructed ELD –A Model for Explicit Language Instruction –Defining Elements of Explicit ELD Instruction Teaching Instructed ELD –“Bricks” - “Mortar” – “Building Instruction” Instructed ELD in Action –Explicit vocabulary development –Oral language development

18 18 Chapter #5: Effective Literacy Instruction for English Learners (August and Shanahan) The English Learner Research Base Background 8 Guidelines for Teaching Literacy to English Learners

19 19 Chapter #6: Programs and Practices for Effective Sheltered Content Instruction (Echevarria and Short) Pedagogical Models of Sheltered Content Instruction The SIOP Model in Action Research on Sheltered Instruction Sheltered Instruction Programs and Contexts Professional Development

20 20 Chapter #7: Alternative Educational Programs for English Learners (Lindholm-Leary and Genesee ) Rationale for and Advantages of Dual Language Education Program Characteristics Student Achievement and Program Outcomes Characteristics of Effective Dual Language Programs Issues in Learner Needs

21 21 Chapter #8: A Contemporary View of the Design and Delivery of English Medium Programs for English Learners (Dolson and Burnham-Massey) Overview of Program Models Core Instructional Components –Instructed ELD –Sheltered content instruction –L1 instruction and support –Mainstream English instruction English Learner Profiles Delivery of Instructional Components Enhancing the Core Components

22 22 Summary/Conclusions & Questions For more information: CDE Press Sales Office, Phone: 800-995-4099 Fax: 916-323-0823 1430 N Street, Suite 3207, Sacramento, CA 95814 Web site: E-mail: To receive updates on the availability of this and other CDE Press publications, subscribe to the CDE Press e-mail list:


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