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 CHARACTERS: Ryan Voss- Dr.Voss’s son, he is the tagger. He has black hair. He is good around his mom but he is bad around his friends.  Dr. Voss-

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3  CHARACTERS: Ryan Voss- Dr.Voss’s son, he is the tagger. He has black hair. He is good around his mom but he is bad around his friends.  Dr. Voss- She is the principle of Cedar Valley Middle School. She has dark brown hair. She is bossy and grumpy most of the time.  Nolan(Shredderman)- He is the hero of Cedar Valley and a nerd in school he is also smart and funny, he also hates bullies. He has brown hair.  Bubba- He is the bully of Cedar Valley school he is always mean to everyone but his crew. He has bad breath and a habit of pounding on little kids. He has blonde hair.  Mr. Green(Bouncer)- He is Nolan’s teacher and his partner. He is talented at the guitar and funny. He has a brown hair.  Eve ”N” Steven-They are Nolan’s mom and dad. His mom designs missile tracking softwares, she has brown hair and light brown eyes, she is happy most of the time. His dad is a reporter, he has brown hair, he is happy most of the time and is the first person Nolan turns to.


5  RESOLUTION:  Nolan fins out that Ryan Voss is the tagger and turns him in.


7 5 INTERRESTING FACTS ABOUT THE AUTHOR: 1: When she was growing up she was a tomboy. 2: She loved to hunt down adventures. 3: She decided to be an author when she became an adult. 4: Her first book was published in 1997. 5: Born on January 6 th in Chicago, IL.


9  SUMMARY  Nolan is always picked on at school so he made a website and became a hero(Shredderman). When a tagger comes into town Nolan is determined to stop him.

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