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Presentation on theme: "Mathematics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mathematics


3 Session Objectives Definition of Conic Section Eccentricity
Definition of Special Points Standard Form of parabola General Form of parabola Algorithm for finding special points/ lines Condition for Second degree equation to represent different conic sections

4 Definition of Conic section
Geometrical Definition Cross section formed when right circular cone is intersected by a plane Axis Generator

5 Circle Circle If plane is perpendicular to the axis
Geometrical Definition Cross section formed when right circular cone is intersected by a plane Circle If plane is perpendicular to the axis

6 Ellipse Ellipse If plane is not perpendicular to the axis
Geometrical Definition Cross section formed when right circular cone is intersected by a plane Ellipse If plane is not perpendicular to the axis Does not pass through base

7 Parabola Parabola If plane is parallel to the generator
Geometrical Definition Cross section formed when right circular cone is intersected by a plane Parabola If plane is parallel to the generator

8 Hyperbola Hyperbola Two similar cones Plane parallel to the axis
Geometrical Definition Cross section formed when right circular cone is intersected by a plane Hyperbola Two similar cones Plane parallel to the axis

9 Class Exercise Point Pair of straight lines
Are the following be a conic section? Point Pair of straight lines If yes, how they can be generated by intersection of cone(s) and plane.

10 Class Exercise

11 Locus Definition Locus Definition Locus of a point moves such that
Ratio of its distance from a fixed point & from a fixed line is constant Fixed Line P N S Fixed Point Ratio - Eccentricity Fixed Point - Focus Fixed Line - Line of Directrix

12 Eccentricity and Shapes of Conic Section
e = 1 : Parabola e < 1 : Ellipse e = 0 : Circle e > 1 : Hyperbola

13 Special Points / Lines Axis :
Line through Focus and perpendicular to line of directrix Vertex : Meeting point of Curve and axis Directrix N P S Focus Vertex Axis

14 Special Points / Lines Double Ordinate :
Line segment joint two points on a conic for one particular value of abscissa Latus rectum : Double ordinate passing through Focus Directrix N P S Focus Axis Vertex

15 Standard Form of Parabola
e =1 Axis is x- axis , y = 0 Vertex - ( 0,0) Focus - ( a,0) Directrix N P S Focus Axis Vertex V As e = 1 , SV = VV1 Let P be (  , ) V1

16 Standard Form of Parabola
e =1 Directrix N P S Focus Axis Vertex V V1

17 Standard Form of Parabola- Special Point / lines
Focus : ( a,0) , Vertex : ( 0,0) Axis : y = 0 , Directrix : x = – a Length of Latus rectum : Eq. Of SLL’ : x = a Directrix N P S Focus Axis Vertex V V1 P.O.I of this line and Parabola : y2 = 4a (a) L L’

18 Standard Form of Parabola- Special Point / lines
Focus : ( -a,0) , Vertex : ( 0,0) Axis : y = 0 , Directrix : x =–(– a) Length of Latus rectum : Eq. Of SLL’ : x = –a N S Focus Vertex V Directrix P Axis V1 L L’ P.O.I of this line and Parabola : y2 = – 4a (–a)

19 Standard Form of Parabola- Special Point / lines
Focus : ( 0,a) , Vertex : ( 0,0) Axis : x = 0 , Directrix : y =–( a) S Focus V Directrix N P Axis V1 L L’ Length of Latus rectum : Eq. Of SLL’ : y = a P.O.I of this line and Parabola : x2 = 4a (a)

20 Standard Form of Parabola- Special Point / lines
Focus : ( 0,–a) , Vertex : ( 0,0) Axis : x = 0 , Directrix : y =( a) Length of Latus rectum : Eq. Of SLL’ : y = – a S Focus V Directrix N P Axis V1 L L’ P.O.I of this line and Parabola : x2 = –4a (–a)

21 Algorithm to Find out special points - Standard Form
Vertex : (0,0) Axis : Put Second degree variable = 0 Focus : If second degree variable is y : (  a,0) If second degree variable is x : (0,  a) Line of Directrix : If second degree variable is y : x = – (  a) If second degree variable is x : y = – ( a) Length of Latus rectum : 4a

22 Class Exercise Find the focus, line of directrix and length of latus rectum for the parabola represented by Solution : Axis : Put Second degree variable = 0 x = 0 Focus : If second degree variable is x : (0,  a) Line of Directrix : If second degree variable is x : y = – ( a) Length of Latus rectum : 18 units

23 Class Exercise For what point of parabola y2 = 18 x is the y-coordinate equal to three times the x-coordinate? Solution : As this point is on parabola

24 General Form - Parabola
Focus : (x1,y1) , Line of directrix : Ax + By + 1 = 0 Let P be (  , ) e =1

25 General Form - Parabola

26 General Form - Parabola
One of the Condition for second degree equation to represent parabola

27 Class Test

28 Class Exercise Solution : Pre – session - 6

29 Class Exercise Solution :
If the focus is (4, 5) and line of directrix is x + 2y + 1 = 0, the equation of the parabola will be ? Solution :

30 Class Exercise Solution :
If the focus is (4, 5) and line of directrix is x + 2y + 1 = 0, the equation of the parabola will be ? Solution :

31 General Form - Parabola
can be converted in to

32 Algorithm to find Special points/ lines - General Form
Convert the given equation in to general form e.g. : y2 – 6y + 24x – 63 = 0 Can be written as : y2 – 6y + 9= – 24x + 72 Transform the same in to Standard form

33 Algorithm to find Special points/ lines - General Form
Find special points/ Line in transformed axis ( X, Y) Vertex : (0,0), Axis : Y = 0 Focus : (– 6,0) ( as of form y2 = 4ax ) , Directrix : X = – (– 6) or X = 6 Reconvert the result in to original axis ( x,y) Vertex : X = 0  x – 3 = 0  x = 3 Y = 0  y – 3 = 0  y = 3 ( 3 ,3) Focus : ( –3 , 3) , Directrix : x = 9

34 Class Exercise Solution : Transform in to Standard form
(0, –4); x = – (b) (–4, –2); x = –2 (c) (–2, –4); y = – (d) (0, –4); x = –4 Solution : Transform in to Standard form Find special points/ Line in transformed axis ( X, Y) Focus - ( 2,0) ; Line of Directrix : X = –2

35 Class Exercise Solution :
(0, –4); x = –2 (b) (–4, –2); x = –2 (c) (–2, –4); y = –4 (d) (0, –4); x = –4 Focus - ( 2,0) ; Line of Directrix : X = –2 Solution : Reconvert the result in to original axis ( x,y) Focus – ( 0 , –4) Practice Exercise - 9

36 Class Exercise In a parabola , vertex is at (1,1) and line of directrix is x + y = 0. Equation of parabola ? Solution : Axis is y – x = k Vertex lies on the axis Axis : y – x = 0 P.O.I of axis and Directrix : (0 , 0) Let focus be ( h, k) Focus – (2 ,2)

37 Class Exercise In a parabola , vertex is at (1,1) and line of directrix is x + y = 0. Equation of parabola ? Solution : Focus – (2 ,2) ; Line of directrix : x+y = 0

38 Class Exercise Draw the rough shape of the curve represented by y=ax2+bx+c; where b2– 4ac > 0 , > 0 and b < 0 and find out vertex and axis of parabola. Compare the results with solution of ax2+bx+c = 0 when b2– 4ac > 0 and a > 0 Transforming the given equation to general form, we get

39 Class Exercise Transforming the equation into standard form, we get
Shape is parabola

40 Class Exercise Axis: X = 0 and a > 0, b < 0, D > 0,

41 Class Exercise y=ax2+bx+c and a > 0, b < 0, D > 0,
ax2 + bx + c = 0 (i.e.y = 0) for two real values of x . (  ,  )

42 Thank you

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