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 UDK and Unity are both game engines that offer a wide variety of options to create pretty much any type of game.  Each game engine has a built in environment.

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Presentation on theme: " UDK and Unity are both game engines that offer a wide variety of options to create pretty much any type of game.  Each game engine has a built in environment."— Presentation transcript:


2  UDK and Unity are both game engines that offer a wide variety of options to create pretty much any type of game.  Each game engine has a built in environment editor that lets you pretty much drag and drop things into place.  Both UDK and Unity can be downloaded and used for free without purchasing product licenses.  Unity -  UDK -

3  UDK and Unity share a lot of the same iOS features.  Both utilize an OpenGL ES 2.0 render to run the iOS games in the editor.  To create shadows lightmapping is used. Lightmapping is the process of baking the lighting into the static meshes to improve performance.  Both engines provide PhysX support. The features of PhysX are limited to rigid body physics, fracturable meshes and ragdolls.

4  Both UDK and Unity have ad support and game center support.  UDK recently added Scaleform UI support for iOS.  One of the best features of UDK for iOS is probably the fact that you can build everything on PC.  Unity has to be ran on a Mac if doing an iOS project however projects can be built and compiled into an Xcode project all from one button in Unity.  Both UDK and Unity have a Remote app that can be used to control the game in the editor.

5  Occlusion Culling is probably one of the most important features that both offer. Occlusion Culling is a feature that disables rendering of objects when they are not currently seen by the camera because they are obscured by other objects. Frustum Culling only disables the renderers for objects that are outside the camera's viewing area but does not disable anything hidden from view by overdraw. When you use Occlusion Culling you will still benefit from Frustum Culling. The occlusion culling process will go through the scene using a virtual camera to build a hierarchy of potentially visible sets of objects. This data is then used at runtime by each camera to identify what is visible and what is not. This will ensure only visible objects get sent to be rendered. This reduces the number of draw calls and increases the performance of the game.

6 Without Occlusion Culling

7 With Occlusion Culling

8  There needs to be reduced polygon counts for all models as well as smaller texture files.  There can’t be any real time lighting and shadows.  In UDK you can’t have terrain unless it’s created as a static mesh.  Clothes, fluids, and soft bodies are disabled for iOS in UDK.  UDK can only be used to create 3D games.  Unity offers a lot of features in it’s basic package, but you don’t get a lot of the great features unless you purchase the Pro version.


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