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Grammar: Prepositions Mrs. Rothring/Mrs. Swartz Pre-AICE English Language.

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Presentation on theme: "Grammar: Prepositions Mrs. Rothring/Mrs. Swartz Pre-AICE English Language."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grammar: Prepositions Mrs. Rothring/Mrs. Swartz Pre-AICE English Language

2 Preposition: Shows the relationship of a noun or pronoun to another word Shows the relationship of a noun or pronoun to another word The sounds of a jazz band filled the kitchen. The sounds of a jazz band filled the kitchen. The music was coming from a radio. The music was coming from a radio. Hint: PrePOSITION Hint: PrePOSITION

3 Look at the following chart of commonly used prepositions for one (1) minute. Look at the following chart of commonly used prepositions for one (1) minute. Memorize as many prepositions as you can. Memorize as many prepositions as you can. After the one (1) minute, you will have one (1) minute to write down as many prepositions as you can remember. After the one (1) minute, you will have one (1) minute to write down as many prepositions as you can remember.

4 About About Above Above Across Across After After Against Against Along Along Among Among Around Around As As At At Before Before Behind Behind Below Below Beneath Beneath Beside Beside Between Between Beyond Beyond By By Despite Despite Down Down During During Except Except For For From From In In Inside Inside Into Into Like Like Near Near Of Of Off Off On On Onto Onto Out Out Outside Outside Over Over Since Since Through Through Throughout Throughout To To Toward Toward Under Under Underneath Underneath Until Until Up Up Upon Upon With With Within Within Without Without

5 Compound Preposition: Preposition that consists of more than one word Preposition that consists of more than one word Jazz legend Louis Armstrong sang in addition to playing the trumpet. Jazz legend Louis Armstrong sang in addition to playing the trumpet. When jazz singers perform in a style known as satting, they sing nonsense syllables such as “ba skoodily do” instead of words. When jazz singers perform in a style known as satting, they sing nonsense syllables such as “ba skoodily do” instead of words.

6 According to According to Aside from Aside from Because of Because of By means of By means of In addition to In addition to In front of In front of In place of In place of In spite of In spite of Instead of Instead of On account of On account of Out of Out of Prior to Prior to

7 Prepositional Phrase: Consists of a preposition and its object and any modifiers of the object Consists of a preposition and its object and any modifiers of the object Object of the preposition: Object of the preposition: Noun or pronoun that follows a preposition Noun or pronoun that follows a preposition

8 Why It Matters: Expresses relationships of location, direction, or time Expresses relationships of location, direction, or time Gives specific details Gives specific details Often describes a scene or action Often describes a scene or action

9 Location: Location: Many early jazz bands played in New Orleans. Many early jazz bands played in New Orleans. Location: Location: The sounds came from a radio. The sounds came from a radio. Direction: Direction: Musicians traveled to other large cities. Musicians traveled to other large cities. Time: Time: During the 1920s, jazz swept the country. During the 1920s, jazz swept the country.

10 Grammar Rock: Prepositions Grammar Rock: Prepositions Grammar Rock: Prepositions Grammar Rock: Prepositions

11 Practice: In the following sentences, underline each preposition, and draw an arrow from the preposition to its object. In the following sentences, underline each preposition, and draw an arrow from the preposition to its object. 1. In 1840, the British issued the first postage stamps. 1. In 1840, the British issued the first postage stamps. 2. Prior to this innovation, the recipient usually was responsible for the postage. 2. Prior to this innovation, the recipient usually was responsible for the postage. 3. Thus, mail service was used mainly by the wealthy. 3. Thus, mail service was used mainly by the wealthy.

12 4. However, the new “penny post” made mail delivery affordable for most people. 4. However, the new “penny post” made mail delivery affordable for most people. 5. Soon, people throughout Britain were sending each other greeting cards. 5. Soon, people throughout Britain were sending each other greeting cards. 6. Greeting cards became popular in the United States also. 6. Greeting cards became popular in the United States also. 7. People bought Christmas cards and valentines from individual designers. 7. People bought Christmas cards and valentines from individual designers. 8. Joyce Hall, who earned a living with his picture postcards, founded a card company. 8. Joyce Hall, who earned a living with his picture postcards, founded a card company. 9. Over the years, Hall’s company has grown into a successful business. 9. Over the years, Hall’s company has grown into a successful business.

13 10. Today, in addition to Hall’s company, many other card companies sell greeting cards. 10. Today, in addition to Hall’s company, many other card companies sell greeting cards. 11. Seemingly, there is a card for every occasion. 11. Seemingly, there is a card for every occasion. 12. As I look through card racks, I am usually drawn to the humor section. 12. As I look through card racks, I am usually drawn to the humor section. 13. When I read the cover of a humorous card, I enjoy guessing what the funny verse inside the card will say. 13. When I read the cover of a humorous card, I enjoy guessing what the funny verse inside the card will say. 14. At Christmas, my parents gave me a computer. 14. At Christmas, my parents gave me a computer.

14 15. Along with the computer came software that enables me to create greeting cards. 15. Along with the computer came software that enables me to create greeting cards. 16. I sent the first birthday card I created to my pen pal in the Philippines. 16. I sent the first birthday card I created to my pen pal in the Philippines. 17. Across the card’s cover, I wrote Happy Birthday! 17. Across the card’s cover, I wrote Happy Birthday! 18. I replaced the i in Birthday with a picture of a candle. 18. I replaced the i in Birthday with a picture of a candle. 19. Then I placed a cake under the words so that they all looked like decorations on it. 19. Then I placed a cake under the words so that they all looked like decorations on it. 20. Inside the card was a funny verse amid small pictures of wrapped gifts. 20. Inside the card was a funny verse amid small pictures of wrapped gifts.

15 Application: Write five (5) prepositional phrases that detail activities in which you like to participate. Write five (5) prepositional phrases that detail activities in which you like to participate. Use a different preposition for each prepositional phrase. Use a different preposition for each prepositional phrase. Examples: Examples: Through the coral Through the coral On horseback On horseback Beneath the surface of the ocean Beneath the surface of the ocean

16 Write five (5) well-developed sentences using the prepositional phrases you created. Write five (5) well-developed sentences using the prepositional phrases you created. Use a different prepositional phrase in each sentence. Use a different prepositional phrase in each sentence. Examples: Examples: Swimming stealthily through the coral, the barracuda frightened me. Swimming stealthily through the coral, the barracuda frightened me. While scampering down the path on horseback, I spotted a bear. While scampering down the path on horseback, I spotted a bear.

17 Illustrate your sentence with a clever picture or symbol. Illustrate your sentence with a clever picture or symbol. Underline each prepositional phrase, and draw an arrow from the preposition to its object. Underline each prepositional phrase, and draw an arrow from the preposition to its object. Be prepared to share your sentences. Be prepared to share your sentences.

18 Choose one of the sentences. Choose one of the sentences. Extend one of these sentences into a well- developed paragraph that details an event. Extend one of these sentences into a well- developed paragraph that details an event. Underline each prepositional phrase, and draw an arrow from the preposition to its object. Underline each prepositional phrase, and draw an arrow from the preposition to its object. Use descriptive language and sensory details. Use descriptive language and sensory details.

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