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SUSTAINABLE ENERGY FOR ALL INITIATIVE Task Force 1 Draft Report, January 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "SUSTAINABLE ENERGY FOR ALL INITIATIVE Task Force 1 Draft Report, January 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 SUSTAINABLE ENERGY FOR ALL INITIATIVE Task Force 1 Draft Report, January 2012

2 Implementation Framework Pathways (Interrelated)  country actions led by host governments  country-level actions by the commercial/ private sector  country-level actions led by civil society organizations using multiple innovative bottom ‑ up approaches Energy Interventions  access to electricity  access to clean cooking and heating  productive uses of energy – cross-cutting, paying special attention to income generation activities in local industry and agriculture

3 Types of country-level assistance  Opt-in Program that offers technical assistance to all the countries that are willing to participate in this initiative  Accelerated Program package for countries with the largest populations without access and where intervention could lead to rapid scale-up and high impact  Targeted Assistance Program to the countries that have already made substantial progress and could potentially reach universal access with specific, well- defined inputs

4 Actions by multiple stakeholders including private sector and civil society Source: Carlos Pascual, US State Department

5 Institutional Architecture Overall coordinating mechanism, global level  coordinate financial and information flows  facilitate knowledge exchange and cross ‑ fertilization of ideas and best practice  maintain global monitoring system to keep track of progress regarding program milestones Strategic Advisory and Coordination Group Universal Access Facility/Fund  support the technical assistance programs for the ‘opt-in’ countries  support analytical work for effective implementation Country/regional level institutional structures (existing or new)  help in designing and implementing energy access action programs that contribute to the achievement of the targets  coordinate action at national and sub-national/local levels, as necessary

6 Next Steps … post Rio+20  Securing buy-in and commitments  Consultations with country governments and other stakeholders  Regional launches, etc  Ramping up implementation  Stock-taking (inventory of energy access programs and the resources)  Deepening analytical work, M&E, etc … up to Rio+20  Improving attractiveness of the program  “Offer” (for public sector)  ‘Value proposition’ (for private sector and civil society)  Specific strategies/packages  Improving program design for action agenda  Milestones (analytical work)  Institutional mechanisms (specific proposals & TORs)  Technical assistance programs (financial requirements)

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