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CHAPTER 3Slide 1 of 7 Chapter 3. SENSIBLE SHOPPING AND SPENDING Sorting out the Good and Bad Habits… Keeping Your Costs Down… Dealing with the Big Ticket.

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Presentation on theme: "CHAPTER 3Slide 1 of 7 Chapter 3. SENSIBLE SHOPPING AND SPENDING Sorting out the Good and Bad Habits… Keeping Your Costs Down… Dealing with the Big Ticket."— Presentation transcript:


2 CHAPTER 3Slide 1 of 7 Chapter 3. SENSIBLE SHOPPING AND SPENDING Sorting out the Good and Bad Habits… Keeping Your Costs Down… Dealing with the Big Ticket Items A. The Bad Habits - Human Nature and Advertising B. The Good Habits - The Grocery Store and the Drug Store 1. Unit Pricing 2. Brand Label vs. Generic 3. Bulk Buying 4. Convenience Foods Coupons, Specials and more

3 CHAPTER 3Slide 2 of 7 SENSIBLE SHOPPING AND SPENDING C. The Good Habits - Clothing and Accessories 1. Controlling Your Ego and Your Impulses 2. Embellish the Simple 3. A Grab-Bag of Other Tips D. The Good Habits - Major Home Furnishings 1. Furniture and Bedding 2. Carpeting and other Floor Covering 3. Appliances a. Service and Warranties

4 CHAPTER 3Slide 3 of 7 E. Recreation 1. Vacation and Travel (See Personal Action Worksheet, text page 104) 2. Using a Travel Agent 3. Air Fares 4. Seasonal Bargains 5. Package Tours and Resorts Do-it-Yourself Tours

5 CHAPTER 3Slide 4 of 7 F. Cruises G. Travel Insurance H. Travel Scam I. Pocket Money and Precautions Time Sharing? Recreation

6 CHAPTER 3Slide 5 of 7 K. Recreation at Home L. Electronics - VCRs, DVDs, Digital Cameras, PCs 1. The Internet M. Personal Enrichment N. Sports, Hobbies The Ultimate Leisure...Recreation

7 CHAPTER 3Slide 6 of 7 TALKING POINTS… Chapter Three, Number One Your brother and sister-in-law have been pestering you to join them on a vacation. You all get along well for a dinner or overnight trip, but two weeks? They’re on a budget and like to go camping. You have more money, and prefer golfing and tennis resorts. Evaluate and discuss these possible ways to resolve the dilemma without harming your relationship: A. Compromise and agree to do it their way one year, your way the next. B. Lend them the money to enable them to do it your way. C. Give in and agree to do it their way… but just this once. D. Gracefully decline telling them that your vacation time is too precious to take chances with. E. Split up the two weeks - one week your way, the other week their way. F. What else might work?

8 CHAPTER 3Slide 7 of 7 TALKING POINTS… Chapter Three, Number Two Against your better judgment you’ve been lured to a “travel opportunity seminar” which turns out to be a high pressure time-share sales pitch. You’re a tough customer, but the salesman is even tougher. You just want to get out of there and get the free dinner coupon they’ve promised you. How would you respond to each of these temptations from the salesman? 1. You can swap for thousands of other time-share units all around the world! 2. The special deal I gave you will only be available tonight! 3. Before you say “no,” I’d like you to talk with some people who have been with our plan for ten years! 4. Unless you sign it, we can’t let you take a copy of the contract home for your lawyer to review but trust me, if your lawyer later has a problem with it, we’ll rip it up! 5. It’s only going to cost you $1,000 up front. We can finance the other $9,000.

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