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What is the subject? How can you tell? Whose Perspective?

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Presentation on theme: "What is the subject? How can you tell? Whose Perspective?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is the subject? How can you tell? Whose Perspective?

2 Claim/Thesis statement Pro/for year around school Students who attend year around school have an educational advantage over students who have a nine week summer break. Students who participate in year around school are able to increase their learning because they don’t forget what they learned over the long summer break.

3 Claim/Thesis statement Con/against year around school Students who attend year around school do not have an educational advantage over students who have a nine week summer break. Students who participate in year around school are not able to increase their learning because they don’t forget what they learned over the long summer break.

4 Arguments For Year Round Education Source: Parent and Child Magazine You will find two more sources on line (next slide) Students tend to forget a lot during the summer, and shorter vacations might increase retention rates. Schools that are not being used in the summer are inefficient. Short breaks can provide time for students to receive enrichment education. Remediation can occur when it is most needed during the school year. Students get bored during the long break of summer. It's easier to schedule vacations because not everyone wants to travel at the same time. Other countries around the world use this system. More students can be accommodated at one school through multi-tracking.

5 Arguments For Year Round Education Find 2 more reputable sources on line to use for your evidence in P.P. National Association For Year-Round Education, Sam Pepper, Tuesday April 21, 2009

6 Arguments For Year Round Education

7 Arguments Against Year Round Education Source: Luke Towler, NEA Today You will find two more sources on line (next slide) Studies have been inconclusive to its academic benefits. Students are going to forget information whether they are out of school for three weeks or 10. Therefore, teachers will be performing four beginning of the year reviews instead of just one. Summer programs such as youth camps suffer. Student summer employment will be virtually impossible. Many schools are older and do not have air conditioning. Band and other extracurricular programs could be hurt because of problems scheduling out of school practices and competitions. If the entire school district does not go year round, parents could have students at different schools on different schedules. With multi-tracking, parents could have students at the same school on different schedules.

8 Arguments Against Year Round Education Find 2 more reputable sources on line to use for your evidence in P.P. Year-Round Schooling: 3 Common Arguments Against It, Matthew Lynch, Ed.D., 10/28/2014, edd/year-round-schooling-3-co_b_5730930.html

9 Arguments Against Year Round Education

10 Power Paragraph Analysis Let’s see if the paragraph follows the format Students do well and sometimes better academically with shorter vacations throughout the year, because the skills they have been taught stick with the learner throughout the year. Year around school for general education students in public schools will benefit the learner because students need to retain the valuable lessons. First, students tend to forget skills during the summer, and shorter vacations might increase retention rates.(Pepper) Second, according to Parent and Child Magazine, “Students will be ready to move to higher levels of skills quicker.” Remembering information is critical when a pupil takes college entrance exams they need to be competitive in their overall GPA. Also, skills the teacher taught the previous school year don’t have to be reviewed and take up valuable learning time to further get to higher levels of curriculum. Teachers can pick up where the lesson left off, a review of a concept is not necessary because students were not away for 9 weeks. Charles Ballinger, an executive director of the National Association for Year-Round Education says “The longer students are away from material, the more forgetting occurs,”. (Strauss News). Remediation can occur when it is most needed during the school year. Shorter breaks can provide time for students to receive enrichment education and excel to achieve higher standards for themselves. The learner remembers everything they were previously taught and can graduate on the fast track; entering the next grade with a successful start and possibly ahead of their class.

11 Format for a Power Paragraph (PP) 8 complete sentences and No Personal Pronouns!!! Claim (Your stance/answer + a because statement) Evidence (cited/referenced directly) Analysis (how evidence proves claim) Analysis/Opinion (further proof) Evidence (cited/referenced directly) Analysis (how evidence proves claim) Analysis/Opinion (further proof) Closing sentences (re-states claim in a different way wraps up the so what now? “Call to Action”)

12 Your 1 st & last name P.P.:

13 Final Year Around School For/Against Power Paragraph Typed 12 font double space, staple this to final Name__________________ period______ Due_______ Claim____/3 Evidence X2____/6 Analysis x4____/12 Closing sentences ____/3 Final (following format) ____/24 pts.

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