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Jason Bearden, CEO Highland Rivers Health Laurie Wilburn-Bailey, Clinical Director Advantage Behavioral Health Systems David Wallace, Director, Residential.

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Presentation on theme: "Jason Bearden, CEO Highland Rivers Health Laurie Wilburn-Bailey, Clinical Director Advantage Behavioral Health Systems David Wallace, Director, Residential."— Presentation transcript:


2 Jason Bearden, CEO Highland Rivers Health Laurie Wilburn-Bailey, Clinical Director Advantage Behavioral Health Systems David Wallace, Director, Residential Services New Horizons Community Service Board


4 The state mental health authority has historically had the responsibility for overseeing and providing services for adults with serious mental illnesses and children with serious emotional disturbances. In the state of Georgia, mental health and addiction services are administered by the same agency, the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities (DBHDD). Picture of Central State Hospital circa 1915 “State Asylum for the Insane”

5 2011: Northwest Georgia Regional is the first full closure hospital in the State of Georgia (location Rome, GA) 2010: ADA Settlement Agreement is Signed 2009: CRIPA Settlement Agreement Signed, the Georgia Department of Behavioral Health & Developmental Disabilities is created 2007-2008: DOJ investigates state hospitals 2006 Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act 2000: Olmstead Decision, persons with disabilities must be served in the least restrictive setting 1993:HB 100 Signed, creating local behavioral health organizations, Community Services Boards

6 Picture of Central State Hospital circa 2013 “State Asylum for the Insane” When we say Whole Health, we are referring to a treatment approach that focuses on the care of the whole person, body, mind, spirit, community, and their interactions with society. Recovery is a self-directed journey where it is the person’s choice of what will make their life meaningful and what supports will help them reach their full potential. Recovery Based

7 Silos = Failed Model Traditional supports require the client to navigate complex and disjointed silos of support.

8 Provide Coordination and Linkage to Comprehensive Treatment, Recovery and Supportive Services

9 Georgia’s Criminal Justice and Behavioral Health System Good Outcomes for Georgia & People with Disabilities

10 What is a CSB? As found in the OCGA § 37-2-6, CSBs are: (1)Created to provide mental health, developmental disabilities, and addictive diseases services (2)Authorized to provide health, recovery, housing, or other supportive services; (3)Public agencies; (4)Public corporations and instrumentalities of the State of Georgia; and (5)Created for nonprofit and public purposes to exercise essential governmental functions. Service categoryPersons served Adult mental health and addictive diseases ~ 135,000 Child and adolescent mental health and addictive diseases ~ 31,000 Developmental disabilities ~ 7,000 Unduplicated Person Served (2010)

11 Specialty Behavioral Health Services Provider Continuum of Care

12 Specialty Behavioral Health Services Provider Target Population & Access  Who can you refer to us?  Adults with Serious and Persistent Mental Illness (i.e., Major Depressive Disorder, Schizophrenia, and Bi-Polar)  Adults and Youth with Addictive Disease  Children and Adolescents with Social and Emotional Disturbances  How do I access you?  Direct Referral Line in each CSB (i.e., 1-800 access number )  Georgia and Crisis Access Line

13 Veterans Affairs Commercial Mcaid/Mcare Child Welfare HUD Primary Care Blending and braiding of fund sources is required to provide comprehensive recovery based services. The Triple Aim of Healthcare is the perpetual goal Cost Effective, Patient Satisfaction & Quality Services Behavioral Health is uniquely positioned to blend & braid funding streams together to strengthen the overall system of care. Blending and braiding of fund sources is required to provide comprehensive recovery based services. The Triple Aim of Healthcare is the perpetual goal Cost Effective, Patient Satisfaction & Quality Services Behavioral Health is uniquely positioned to blend & braid funding streams together to strengthen the overall system of care. Vocational Rehab. Gov’t Funds Criminal Justice

14 U.S Department of Health and Human Services. National Expenditures for Mental Health Services and Substance Abuse Treatment 78% 22% National Funding Snapshot State CSB Funding Snapshot Payer% of total revenues Medicaid38.99% Medicare1.24% State and federal contracts and grants 49.70% Private Insurance1.22% County Contributions1.57% Other7.28% 10% 90%


16 Per Capita Mental Health Expenses


18 Accountability Court & Community Service Board 1.Create complimentary treatment systems. Avoid creating parallel treatment systems. 2.Capitalize on evidence based treatment systems practiced within CSBs 3.Utilize Community Service Board as your public mental health authority to leverage federal and state dollars that other providers cannot bring to bear. 4.Partner with your local Community Service Board that has the ability to bridge system gaps and coordinate services.

19 Provide Coordination and Linkage to Meet Community Comprehensive Treatment, Recovery and Support Needs

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