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Diane Hubona Chris Singler PLN13, Erie October 12, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Diane Hubona Chris Singler PLN13, Erie October 12, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Diane Hubona Chris Singler PLN13, Erie October 12, 2013

2 Birds of a Feather! Differentiated Instruction… What is it? Why use it? How to use it? Quotation Sort—Flock Together!

3 PLN Rewind… PLN Bingo!

4 3-2-1 Group Reading Talk on chapters 4, 5, 6 Group Reading Talks (GRT) need some preparation: Common Reading Time to note-make Intention for GRT Follow up from the teacher

5 Chapters 4, 5, 6 Review Graffiti Placemat A few things to consider: How could you adapt the graffiti placemat for your content area? How would you surround the strategy with meaningful talk? What else should you consider?

6 “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Perkins Gilman(1892) A complete BDA: could be used in English, health class, history, sociology. BEFORE: What does the term “perilous stuff” mean to you? What are some examples of things that could be considered perilous today? Now read the handout from your teacher. Any new thoughts? What questions does this raise for you about the short story you are about to read?

7 “The Yellow Wallpaper” DURING: We will read section 1 together. With a small group, you will read an assigned section and fill out your chart, looking for descriptions of the wallpaper.

8 “The Yellow Wallpaper” AFTER: We will read the last section together. Now, we will go back and share how the images have changed section to section. Complete your chart. Also, some alternative ways of adapting this lesson.

9 Literature Circles Literature Circle Basics Roles Sheets vs. Templates Preparation Implementation “What? So What? Now What?” What would this look like in your classroom?

10 Science Activity The Path of a Pandemic Before/ During/After AFTER--? Chalk Talk Ideas * that seem important ? That raise a question 0 connect what we’ve already learned

11 Lesson Planning Time You have the next hour or so to work on a lesson. You may consult with a partner or your facilitators, but everyone needs to have an 80 minute lesson prepared to share with the group. You need the following: A BDA format. Two or more strategies. Evidence of R/W/T/L. A sentence or two about how you considered engagement.

12 Ticket Out the Door 1) Midcourse evaluation. 2) What has been most useful? What do you want to see more or less of? HOMEWORK: Read chapters 7, 8, 9. Have two lessons completed by 11/9. Mark up your text with questions while you read.

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