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Please find your child’s seat! As you wait please…. Take a look at the papers on your child’s desk Take the quiz about your child.

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Presentation on theme: "Please find your child’s seat! As you wait please…. Take a look at the papers on your child’s desk Take the quiz about your child."— Presentation transcript:

1 Please find your child’s seat! As you wait please…. Take a look at the papers on your child’s desk Take the quiz about your child

2 Back-To- School Night Mrs. Schwenk’s 2 nd Grade Room 121

3 About Me Graduated from West Chester University in 1997 15 th year at NC!

4 Contact Information –Email: –Phone- 610-469-5105 (office) before and right after school –I check email daily-before school, around lunch time, afternoons and early evening –Pick-up changes- please write a note or email before ASAP

5 Specials Day 1 : Library Day 2: Music Day 3: Art Day 4: Art/Guidance/PE/Music Day 5: PE

6 Class Procedures & Policies Behavior policy-clip chart system Check planner daily for color of the day Please sign planners-I check at the end of the day Take home folder Homework –15 minutes of reading a night (Calendar in front of planner. Please initial each time student reads 20 min. Have them write title(s) of books read. Will start next week.) –Math homework (to be checked by parents!) –Birthdays As per school policy, all students need to be invited to a party if you would like to have your child hand out their invitations at school Non-edible treats may be shared

7 Typical Day in 2 nd Grade Arrival Morning work 8:40 Word Study 9:00 Writing Snack around 9:30ish 9:40 Reading Mini Lesson 10:00 Readers Workshop and Guided Reading 10:45-11:15 Tier Time 11:15 Recess 11:40 Lunch 12:05 Math 1:25 Specials 2:15 Rocket Math 2:25 Social Studies/Science 3:00 Pack up/Mail/jobs Dismissal at 3:08

8 Snack Please remember we are a peanut and tree nut free school! No snacks with nuts is a must!

9 Word Study –Word Study rubric will look different –Monday-Friday cycle –HW: M-Th –Assessment on Fridays –Refer to Parent explanation letter –Practice discovery-own words

10 Lucy Calkins Reading Readers’ Workshop- first year of Lucy Calkins reading program Reflects 21st century global standards Aligns with writing units Unit 1- working towards big goals of reading with fluency, stamina, and comprehension, tackling hard words, thinking more deeply. Unit 2- Nonfiction- Grow knowledge by paying attention to detail, keywords, asking questions, think of what it’s teaching you, text features Unit 3- Bigger Books mean “Amping up Reading Power”-fluency, rereading to bring characters to life and discuss literary language, keeping track of longer books Unit 4- Series Book Clubs- become experts on characters and author’s craft

11 ELA Parent Web Resources PDF of ELA parent resource links on my webpage Grade level expectations Standard-Based Grading Parent information Understanding the ELA program k-6 Grammar, Conventions, Language Usage Expectations

12 Social Studies Citizenship Map Skills: using a map, landforms U.S. History –Constitution –Importance of the American Flag, National Anthem, Pledge of Allegiance –Liberty Bell, Statue of Liberty, the White House, national monuments, etc. –Famous people in history

13 Science Investigations The Solar System- Space Fair in May States of Matter Living things: animals and their adaptations and natural instincts

14 Everyday Math Homework Books –Answers in books –Please check at home - I will check if completed in AM –Write a note on the page if extra help is needed; I will help your child when we return to that concept or in a small group that day or week Tool kits, whiteboards, games School Math Journal Resources online for extra help; passwords in your child’s planners find link on web page- this has information for parents- PDF of MRB (Math Resource Book), you can print out homework or answer keys. Teaching your child to add two digit (or larger) numbers- please don’t confuse them!!!

15 Math-a few changes.. EDM 4- engineered for common core Revisits topics regularly for long-term learning and depth of knowledge Friday- game day 2-day open response lessons (odd units) No study guides Assessments- 2 days

16 Big Areas in Math Base 10 notation Fluency with addition and subtraction Standards units of measure Describing and analyzing shapes Time and money

17 EDM Students Reference Books You may sign out an EDM Students Reference book to keep at home for the year All books must be returned at the end of the year

18 Volunteering Actual updated clearances need to be on file in the office- new OJR policy that they are updated yearly. Read sight words with students Parties Field Trip (start to get clearances updated now- check with Kathy Snyder) (fall?)

19 Skyward Update email addresses for emails. I send an updated newsletter every weekend via Skyward email addresses. (I cannot change your information.) PTO!!!

20 School Wires Web Page My web page has all of my information on it. You can find: Newsletters Special schedule/ calendar Daily schedule Homework assignments Links to academic websites

21 Facebook and Pinterest North Coventry Elementary has a page on Facebook- “like” us for reminders and events Pinterest has a page for parent and teacher resources

22 Partial Sums Addition Write 45 + 38

23 ?

24 Thank you for coming!

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