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1 Pepco and DPL On-Line Energy Audit The Company has a history of providing free on-line audits to its customers for nearly a decade. Company’s current.

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1 1 Pepco and DPL On-Line Energy Audit The Company has a history of providing free on-line audits to its customers for nearly a decade. Company’s current on-line residential and small business energy audit tool is called “My Account” started in 2006. More than 22,500 Pepco Maryland customers have registered and used the current on-line energy audit tool.

2 2 myaccount.aspx

3 3 “Energy Know How Solutions” The web-based interactive tool Its free and designed to help customers analyze their energy usage and create a personalized savings plan. At registration, a customer profile is established to input specifics relating to their home or small business, their appliances and their lifestyle. Data from the customer profile shows how energy is being used in their home or small business and how their energy use compares to similar homes or small businesses.


5 5 Other Features The customer can conduct a self service audit, use cost calculators to compare appliances and obtain recommendations for improvements. The bill analysis tool helps customers better understand their energy bills. Customers can see the factors impacting their bills and also view consumption history and obtain graphic depictions of the data. The tool will be adjusted to provide more information about the energy efficiency and conservation program opportunities.



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