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Great Bear Workshop Monday, June 27 th A Visual Story Breakfast by Stephanie B. Log read by Lindsay “Life is one sweet song, so start the music” Writing.

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Presentation on theme: "Great Bear Workshop Monday, June 27 th A Visual Story Breakfast by Stephanie B. Log read by Lindsay “Life is one sweet song, so start the music” Writing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Great Bear Workshop Monday, June 27 th A Visual Story Breakfast by Stephanie B. Log read by Lindsay “Life is one sweet song, so start the music” Writing prompt by Jessica

2 Glenda shared her thoughts on song lyrics and how the “Little Things” and “I Love How You Love Me” were important in her life. Workshop : Thinking in Pictures by Jessica Saum Jessica coordinated a workshop which would help us understand how people with Autism view the world and the information in it. We watched several clips with Temple Grandin and then each created a social schedule for our “student.”

3 We had a brief commercial about shoes from Steph V. The class members took some time to participate in surveys, both for NWP and for Great Bear.

4 Lunch possibilities were discussed. Idioms and colloquialisms were shared. Inquiry groups met to discuss their presentations. The class members gathered for “Author’s Chair”

5 Pam shared her story generated by the song “King of Anything” Liz read a portion of her eerie story Weeji shared her social story about the science lab Glenda shared a story about her grandad’s eye and the white shoe polish

6 Weeji shared a story about how her daughter made her see the beauty in everything, especially words And Pam shared a snippet about “Myrecka Springs” Deb Moore made us all chuckle over her short piece called “Blocked”. We were all reminded that it takes just as much energy to write a boring piece of work as it does to write a good one.

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