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IT 529: Advanced Networking The nitty-gritty of enterprise networks. Understanding evolution of technology. This is my favorite class to teach!!!!

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Presentation on theme: "IT 529: Advanced Networking The nitty-gritty of enterprise networks. Understanding evolution of technology. This is my favorite class to teach!!!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 IT 529: Advanced Networking The nitty-gritty of enterprise networks. Understanding evolution of technology. This is my favorite class to teach!!!!

2 Academic Qualifications BS BYU 1974 MS BYU 1976 Ph.D. BYU 1992 BYU PT faculty 1979-1987, 2000 Associate Professor 2001 Continuing Status 2006 IAEGC Certificate Purdue 2004 Writing committee for IT2005-8 Lead author on Networking and Security

3 Standards Committees OMG (Corba 2.0) IEEE 802 802.1Q VLANs 802.1x Authentication 802.1D 1998

4 System Software Operating Systems Compilers Linkers/Loaders Object-oriented Design and Programming Systems

5 Embedded Systems Automatic Storage and Retrieval Systems Military applications Microprocessor Control ROMs

6 Application Areas Medical Banking Information Retrieval and Indexing Network Management LAN Switch Software design Email archiving and retreival Computing in the cloud

7 Business 6-8 Startups (Depending on how you count) 4 Large Companies VP Director CTO Consulting Engineer MTS Consultant

8 Summary Programmer since 1966 (BAL, Fortran, Cobol) Don’t use a programming language that was available when I got my masters in 1976! (Python,Java, C, C++, C#) Less programming in last 20 years. Now design and telling someone else how to do it. You will probably do a lot of different things during your life You will have to learn continuously or become obsolete The only obvious constant is change People (especially in groups) are basically the same Standards are a pain, but are better than the alternatives

9 What the course is not… Preparation to build an international corporate WAN Preparation to build a new router Coverage of every protocol that has ever been Detailed analysis of all the standards that you might need to know …

10 The course: Evolution and Management of Enterprise Networks Radia PerlmanRadia Perlman one of the most influential people in networking … and the author of your text. She really knows what she is talking about! Local and metropolitan networks with their connections to the Internet. ISO 7 layer model, Internet 5 layer model Layer 2 infrastructure: Vlans, Monitoring… Layer 3 infrastructure: Global, Local Routing Hardware, Firmware, Software device evolution Standards: Layer 1, Layer 2, Layer 3, … Network design and construction Theory Winners, losers, good guesses, stupid decisions and serendipity Choosing boxes and tools… crystal balls and coin tosses

11 2 nd Half: What do you want? Graduate course Seminar Format Groups of 2-3 students present approved research topics. Formal presentation (1 class period) Formal research paper

12 Internet Architecture Defined by Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Hourglass Design Application vs Application Protocol (FTP, HTTP) … FTPHTTPNV TFTP TCP UDP IP NET 1 2 n

13 ISO Architecture (OSI Model) Application Presentation Session Transport End host One or more nodes within the network Network Data link Physical Network Data link Physical Network Data link Physical Application Presentation Session Transport End host Network Data link Physical

14 TCP/IP and the OSI Model Ref: From Foruzan Text

15 Actual Vocabulary We use ISO terminology, however, Typically use IETF technology above layer 2 Since IETF doesn’t define “Network” but rather “internetwork” we use ISO terminology and technology for layer 2 and below IEEE 802 dominates enterprise and now “last mile”

16 IEEE 802: LAN MAN Standards Evolution that sometimes looks revolutionary. 802.1: Layer 2 architecture Bridging Switching Forwarding Spanning Tree Multiple Spanning Tree Virtual Lans and spanning trees

17 Goal: Be able to Read Standards The VLAN Bridging specification contained in IEEE Std 802.1Q-2003 is independent of this standard, in the sense that IEEE Std 802.1Q-2003 contains its own statement of the conformance requirements for VLAN Bridges. However, IEEE Std 802.1Q-2003 makes use of many of the elements of the specification contained in this standard, in particular a) The Bridge architecture b) The Internal Sublayer Service, and the specification of its provision by IEEE 802 LAN MACs c) The major features of the operation of the forwarding process d) The Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol e) The Generic Attribute Registration Protocol (GARP) f) The GARP Multicast Registration Protocol (GMRP) Since the original Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) has been removed from the 2004 revision of IEEE Std 802.1D, an implementation of RSTP is required for any claim of conformance for an implementation of IEEE Std 802.1Q-2003 that refers to the current revision of IEEE Std 802.1D unless that implementation includes the Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol (MSTP) specified in IEEE Std 802.1Q-2003. MSTP is based on RSTP, extended to provide support for multiple spanning trees. Excerpt from 802.1D 2003 p. iii

18 802.1 Definition of Layer 2 Excerpt from 802.1D 2003 p. 11

19 Summary II Things change so should you You have to watch so the change doesn’t sneak up on you Example: VLANs and Spanning Tree Key concepts: Layering and interface between layers Spanning Tree/ Rapid Spanning Tree Relationships to Forwarding Tables

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