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19 November 98 1 Jürgen Knobloch ATLAS Computing ATLAS Computing - issues for 1999 Jürgen Knobloch Slides also on:

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Presentation on theme: "19 November 98 1 Jürgen Knobloch ATLAS Computing ATLAS Computing - issues for 1999 Jürgen Knobloch Slides also on:"— Presentation transcript:

1 19 November 98 1 Jürgen Knobloch ATLAS Computing ATLAS Computing - issues for 1999 Jürgen Knobloch Slides also on: Workshop What is planned What needs improvement ATLAS Software Week December 1998

2 19 November 98 2 Jürgen Knobloch ATLAS Computing Critical issues - Choices  Choices made –OO paradigm –C++ –OODBMS –Software Process - ASP –cvs/SRT –Case tools - StP –GEANT4 –LHC++ (part of it) –Operating systems  Choices to be made/confirmed –Objectivity –LHC++ (part of it)  No choice is made for the eternity  Some choices last longer than others  Most of the choices are controversial  We take it seriously that we have to justify each of the choices…  … but choices have to be made in order to make progress!

3 19 November 98 3 Jürgen Knobloch ATLAS Computing Critical issues - People  Several key people are overworked and split their effort over several tasks  Need backup for key tasks  Need a (small) number of “computing professionals”  Need to manage distributed development, maintaining a coherent strategy  Have to set up standard and distributed training in chosen technologies  Need people for reviews –their own benefit –ATLAS benefit  Direct the community (in particular people working on combined performance studies) towards OO developments  Provide “help desk” during the working hours of the collaboration, I.e. 24hours/day

4 19 November 98 4 Jürgen Knobloch ATLAS Computing Domains and People FTE nowFTE required  Management, general support616 –Coordinators, Librarian, Software process support  Reconstruction25  Simulation25  Event domain35  Graphics46  Analysis tools13  Field, alignment, calibration14  Detector description13  System Domains:3644 –Trigger Simulation, Inner Detector, Muon Spectrometer, Calorimeters _________________________________________________ SUM5691

5 19 November 98 5 Jürgen Knobloch ATLAS Computing Manpower evolution Re-direct people from physics studies in FORTRAN to developments in OO technology. In addition need software professionals for key tasks: Software process support, framework, data base: ~25 + support of regional centers + R&D ATLAS Computing Workforce Integral 1994-2005: 900 person/years FORTRAN OO

6 19 November 98 6 Jürgen Knobloch ATLAS Computing Milestones for Reconstruction  01/99 –ID, Muon, Lar data in Arve  02/99 –Event display of raw data  05/99 –Detector descriptions in ARVE  06/99 –Test beam reconstructions  07/99 –IPATREC, xKalman in ARVE –Calorimeter reconstruction >first version  08/99 –MUON reconstruction –AOD, ESD first definition and implementation –Reading of G4 events  12/99 –Comparison with ATRECON –First public alpha-release

7 19 November 98 7 Jürgen Knobloch ATLAS Computing Milestones for Simulation  01/99 –First release of prototype simulation framework based on ARVE –Provide ATLAS examples (Si, TileCal, TGC,…) –Histograms, visualization, hits storage  02/99 –Detector component envelopes –Interface to magnetic field  05/99 –Interface to detector description data base –Comparison with beam test >demonstrate correctness and feasibility of G4 >have concrete examples being used by the detector communities  07/99 –First internal version of full ATLAS geometry –First internal version of all sensitive Detectors  12/99 –Comparison with G3(DICE) –First public alpha-release

8 19 November 98 8 Jürgen Knobloch ATLAS Computing  1 Tbyte milestone - 12/98: –Event storage: GEANT3, GEANT4, test-beam –Performance report - space and speed  Detector description database –Generic and explicit models developed –Using muons (AMDB) as first example –Continue with Inner Detector –To be used by in Simulation and Reconstruction in May 99 ATLAS OO projects - Data Bases

9 19 November 98 9 Jürgen Knobloch ATLAS Computing Have to improve...  Training –Common LHC items >SPIDER? –ATLAS specific >World wide training plan –Examples  Communication –Virtual room >Software meetings >DIG –Between communities >Computing >Event filter >Physics  ATLAS Software process –Needs speed-up –Needs more participation >Training >Remove thresholds –Improvement >Discussion started in DIG >Learn from experience >Understand role of walk- throughs >See where the process can be made lighter without endangering the goal –New ASP document >Read and comment!

10 19 November 98 10 Jürgen Knobloch ATLAS Computing Conclusions  We have achieved most of what was in the global plan of the CTP for 97-98  Aim to have releases of OO Simulation and Reconstruction by end 99  Support test beam work with simulation and analysis during 99  Establish training  Improve communication  Improve the process

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