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Media Employment Andre. Types of Employment FULL-TIME Full-time employees work on a regular weekly basis and are expected to work a full week. PART-TIME.

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Presentation on theme: "Media Employment Andre. Types of Employment FULL-TIME Full-time employees work on a regular weekly basis and are expected to work a full week. PART-TIME."— Presentation transcript:

1 Media Employment Andre

2 Types of Employment FULL-TIME Full-time employees work on a regular weekly basis and are expected to work a full week. PART-TIME Part-time employees usually work on a regular ongoing basis. They are paid on a pro rata basis. They are entitled to the following: Annual, personal, sick leave and career's leave to be paid for public holidays falling on days on which they would otherwise be working; and long service leave and bereavement leave. FIXED TERM/CONTRACT Fixed term or contract employees are hired for a fixed period of time, for example, for a specific project, or to replace an employee on sick leave or parental leave. You should provide the employee with an agreement in writing that sets out the length of the employment contract. Fixed term employees are entitled to the same annual, personal and other leave entitlements as full- time employees, but on a proportional basis for the period of their employment.

3 Media Industry Jobs Sound Technician SOUND TECHNICIAN Sound technicians are required to assemble, operate and maintain the technical equipment used to record, amplify, enhance, mix or reproduce sound. http://www.prospects.a broadcasting_film_video _job_description.htm Qualifications: Degree in sound technology Experience Typical starting salary: £16,000 - £18,000 in an established studio or in television and radio Typical salary with experience, e.g. after ten years in the role: £30,000 - £35,000. These wages are often supplemented with unpredictability or unsocial hour allowances Freelance sound technicians can earn £230 - £500 per (ten hour) day ound_technician_broadcastin g_film_video_salary.htm

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