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Societal Change -2 nd Great Awakening -period of religious revival after 1800 -fewer religious “pilgrims” -Charles Finney and tent meetings.

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3 Societal Change -2 nd Great Awakening -period of religious revival after 1800 -fewer religious “pilgrims” -Charles Finney and tent meetings

4 Societal Change -Utopian Communities -communal societies based on everyone working together -most did not work well -New Harmony -Oneida

5 Transcendentalism -belief in a simple lifestyle -Walt Whitman -”Leaves of Grass” -Ralph Waldo Emerson -”Self-Reliance” -Henry David Thoreau -”Civil Disobedience”

6 Education -one room schools -few educated beyond age 10 -Horace Mann advocated public schools for everyone -Noah Webster development of an American dictionary

7 Institution Reform -Dorothea Dix -help for the mentally ill -helped to start several mental hospitals -prison reform -meant to rehabilitate

8 American Writers -James Fenimore Cooper “Last of the Mohicans” -Nathaniel Hawthorne “Scarlet Letter” -Washington Irving “Sleepy Hollow” -Herman Melville “Moby Dick”

9 American Writers -Edgar Allan Poe “Raven” -Emily Dickinson reclusive poet -Hudson River School -landscape painters -Alex de Tocqueville “Democracy in America”

10 Antebellum Slavery

11 Life under Slavery -Rural Slavery plantations field work house workers -urban slavery skilled labor more freedoms

12 Abolitionists -those who opposed slavery -William Lloyd Garrison “The Liberator” -David Walker freedom by force -Frederick Douglas “North Star”

13 Abolitionists -those who opposed slavery -William Lloyd Garrison “The Liberator” -David Walker freedom by force -Frederick Douglas “North Star”

14 Abolitionists -those who opposed slavery -William Lloyd Garrison “The Liberator” -David Walker freedom by force -Frederick Douglas “North Star”

15 Rebellion -slaves turn to violent methods -Nat Turner, 1831 led a slave revolt -scared many slave holders in the south -led to greater control over slaves

16 Anti-slavery -emancipation -gradual -immediate -religious reasons -moral wrong to have slaves -values of the Constitution

17 Pro-slavery -new fear of revolts -black codes begin -religious support -”happy” plantation slave myth

18 Reformers -Abolitionists / Suffrage Grimke sisters Lucretia Mott Elizabeth Stanton Susan B. Anthony Sojourner Truth -Temperance move to ban alcohol

19 Women’s Reforms -Abolitionists / Suffrage Grimke sisters Lucretia Mott Elizabeth Stanton Susan B. Anthony Sojourner Truth -Temperance move to ban alcohol

20 Women’s Reforms -Abolitionists / Suffrage Grimke sisters Lucretia Mott Elizabeth Stanton Susan B. Anthony Sojourner Truth -Temperance move to ban alcohol

21 Women’s Reforms -Abolitionists / Suffrage Grimke sisters Lucretia Mott Elizabeth Stanton Susan B. Anthony Sojourner Truth -Temperance move to ban alcohol

22 Women’s Reforms -Abolitionists / Suffrage Grimke sisters Lucretia Mott Elizabeth Stanton Susan B. Anthony Sojourner Truth -Temperance move to ban alcohol

23 Reforms -Women’s Education Catherine Beecher Oberlin College -Health Reform Elizabeth Blackwell Amelia Bloomer

24 Women’s Movement -women saw increased opportunities in reform movements -Seneca Falls Convention, 1848 “Declaration of Sentiments”

25 Women’s Movement -women saw increased opportunities in reform movements -Seneca Falls Convention, 1848 “Declaration of Sentiments”

26 Women in Society -cult of domesticity husband, children, home, church -could not vote in most places -could not own property or keep wages if husband lived

27 Changing Workplace -development of industry -decline of skilled labor -growth of urban areas -cost of goods decreased and supply increased

28 Factory System Begins -Lowell textile mills -factory system -company town for young girls -strict control over the workers lives -factory conditions would warn of future problems

29 Working Conditions -long hours -six days a week -poor ventilation and lighting -unsafe working conditions -development of labor unions and strikes

30 Immigration -lots of immigration in the mid 1800’s -mostly Irish or German -most immigrants settled in groups -low wages of immigrants caused problems with other workers -Know-Nothing Party -Growth of Nativism

31 Markets Expand -by the mid 1800’s people were no longer totally self-sufficient produce one product, buy all others -specialization -capitalism -standard of living rose for almost everyone

32 Inventions Improve Life -Charles Goodyear vulcanized rubber -I.M. Singer sewing machines -Samuel Morse telegraph Morse code

33 Transportation Changes -Robert Fulton steam powered ships -many canals were built after Erie was completed -growth of railroads

34 Transportation Changes -Robert Fulton steam powered ships -many canals were built after Erie was completed -growth of railroads

35 Agriculture -people began to move into the mid-western parts of the nation -lots of available farm lands -John Deere steel plows -Cyrus McCormick mechanical reaper


37 Manifest Destiny -theory that the US should expand across the continent Louisiana Purchase War of 1812 Lure of the West

38 Manifest Destiny -theory that the US should expand across the continent Louisiana Purchase War of 1812 Lure of the West

39 Manifest Destiny -theory that the US should expand across the continent Louisiana Purchase War of 1812 Lure of the West

40 Mormons -religious group founded by Joseph Smith, 1827 -Smith was killed by a mob denouncing his views -Brigham Young led the group west to Utah, 1847 -formed a thriving community

41 Texas -immigrants from U.S. move into Mexican Texas Stephen F. Austin leads the settlers -Mexico tries to regain control of Texas -Mexico feared a plot by the U.S. to acquire Texas

42 Texas -Battle of the Alamo, 1836 Texans defeated -Texans eventually defeat Mexican Army and declare independence -1836, Lone Star Republic Sam Houston serves as President of Texas


44 Western Lands -Indian conflicts Indian Removal Laramie Treaty, 1851 Broken Treaties We wanted Indian Land!

45 Western Lands -Oregon Territory Oregon Trial most popular route Independence to Portland Donner Party Shows how dangerous the journey could be cannibalism -“54-40 or Fight” Campaign slogan over US border with Oregon with Great Britain -James K. Polk wins election of 1844 -election of 1844

46 Mexican War -Texas finally annexed in 1845 -promise of newly elected Polk (made a state) -border dispute arises with Mexico -Polk sends troops To disputed territory -war breaks out after border skirmish Several American soldiers killed Gives the US a reason to go to war with Mexico General Zachary Taylor General Winfield Scott

47 Mexican War -Mexico defeated quickly -Mexican cession of lands in the west 1848 California, Nevada, NM, Arizona, Utah, Colorado, Wyoming

48 Mexican War -Mexico defeated -Mexican cessation of lands in the west 1848 California, Nevada, NM, Arizona, Utah, Colorado, Wyoming

49 Spoils of War -Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo -Mexican cession -Gadsden Purchase Completed our border of the lower 48 states -Zach Taylor elected President War hero

50 Gold Rush

51 Spoils of War

52 Original U.S.Louisiana PurchaseFlorida Texas AnnexationOregon Territory Mexican CessionGadsden Purchase

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