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Programming in C++.

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1 Programming in C++

2 List of Questions 1. a)What is a Class? How does it accomplish data hiding? b) What do you mean by static data member of a class?Explain the Characteristics of a static data member? 2 What is Object Oriented Programming? How it is different from Procedure oriented programming? Also explain the characteristics of OOP? 3 a)Explain the Private ,Public and the Protected access specifiers in C++.How do they differ from each other? Differentiate between these by writing any Program in C++? b) Explain the use of Scope Resolution Operator in C++ with the help of examples? What is Construtor?How it is different from a member function of a Class?If you don’t define a Constructor then what happens? Explain the role of Copy Constructor by giving Suitable example? 5 a)What is Friend Function? Can you make a member function of a Class as a friend Function of another class? Explain with suitable example? b) Write a short note on Static member function? 2. a) Differentiate between Traditional File Processing System and Database System? b) Define the term DBA. Explain the various Roles of Database Administrator? 3. Write short notes on the following: a) Data b) Information c)Entity d)Domain e)Tuple f)Cardinality Ratio 4. Explain the three Schema Architecture of a Database System with Block Diagram? 5. Write short note on Hierarchical and Network Data Model along with their advantages and disadvantages? d)Domain e)Tuple

3 6. a) What do you mean by Dynamic Initialization of Object
6. a) What do you mean by Dynamic Initialization of Object? What do we need to do this? Explain it with example? b) Explain passing of an object as parameter to a function with suitable example? 7. Explain Inheritance and its types? Also explain Multiple Inheritance in C++ Using program? 8. Explain the following concepts with the help of programs: a) Array of Objects b) New and Delete Operator c) This Pointer 9. a)What is Class template? Can Class template be nested? Support your answer with an example? b)Write a function template to multiply two data of integer and float types using templates? 10 What happens when an exception handling is carried out in Class object paradigm? Explain the function of try , throw and catch?

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