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Department of Electrical Engineering Electronics Computers Communications Technion Israel Institute of Technology High Speed Digital Systems Lab. High.

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Presentation on theme: "Department of Electrical Engineering Electronics Computers Communications Technion Israel Institute of Technology High Speed Digital Systems Lab. High."— Presentation transcript:

1 Department of Electrical Engineering Electronics Computers Communications Technion Israel Institute of Technology High Speed Digital Systems Lab. High Speed Digital Systems Lab. Performed By: Itamar Niddam and Lior Motorin Instructor: Inna Rivkin Bi-Semesterial. Winter 2012/2013

2 Programmable Logic Peripherals Controllers Core 1 : A9 ARM Core 0 : A9 ARM AXI4 BUS Software application Processing System running LINUX Hardware accelerator Standard SOPC approach The Hardware is constant The user can only switch between application Task specific - Software Standard SOPC approach The Hardware is constant The user can only switch between application Task specific - Software 2 TODO : TERMINAL

3 Partial dynamic hardware reconfiguration by OS (LINUX) Hardware system dynamically changed & adapted to a specific application. The hardware change is done at runtime by application & OS Programmable Logic Peripherals Controllers Core 1 : A9 ARM Core 0 : A9 ARM AXI4 BUS Processing System running LINUX Custom IP Hardware Acceleratior #1 Application #1 Custom IP Hardware Acceleratior #2 Application #2 New approach The user controls the software and the hardware Task specific - Software & Hardware New approach The user controls the software and the hardware Task specific - Software & Hardware 3 TODO : TERMINAL

4 for(i = 0; i < height, i++){ for(j=0; j < width; j++){ x_dir = 0; y_dir = 0; if((i > 0 && (i 0) && (j < (width-1))){ for(rowOffset = -1; rowOffset <= 1; rowOffset++){ for(colOffset = -1; colOffset <=1; colOffset++){ x_dir = x_dir + input_image[i+rowOffset][j+colOffset]* Gx[1+rowOffset][1+colOffset]; y_dir = y_dir + input_image[i+rowOffset][j+colOffset]* Gy[1+rowOffset][1+colOffset]; } edge_weight = ABS(x_dir) + ABS(y_dir); output_image[i][j] = edge_weight; } 4

5 >./filter_cmd sobel_software Sobel Filter 5

6 6

7 >./filter_cmd hw /home/sobel.bin Sobel Filter Programmable Logic Peripherals Controllers Core 1 : A9 ARM Core 0 : A9 ARM AXI4 BUS Sobel Software application Processing System running LINUX Sobel Hardware module 7

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9 9

10 Processing System Programmable Logic LogicBricks HDMI Controller Custom IP Core 1 : A9 ARM Core 0 : A9 ARM USB 0 AXI 4 HDMI FMC UART 10

11 Processing System Programming Logic Linux Kernel Zynq ZC-702 Xylon GPU Driver Xylon Hardware ARM CPU0 11 Linux OS applications use shared objects to invoke functions that were not compiled with the application itself. We use that concept to create SO files with the same function symbol. But different function implementation Main App code Software impl SO Hardware impl SO

12 Processing System Programming Logic Linux Kernel Zynq ZC-702 Xylon GPU Driver Xylon Hardware ARM CPU0 12 The Hardware implementation SO. Burns on-the-fly the required bit stream. And invokes the generated hardware in order to process the data. The main app gets hardware acceleration for that computation without be aware of that. Main App code Hardware impl SO

13 13

14 14 PR block

15 User invokes regular application. Which using some heavy computations functions. Int main() { dlopen(). some_heavy_function } APP Load SO file & symbols 15 SO file contains a list of function symbols and their implementation Output example : 000000000009a850 T regcompW 0000000000085560 T regerrorA 000000000009a4d0 T regerrorW 0000000000085130 T regexecA 000000000009a0a0 T regexecW 0000000000084ee0 T regfreeA 000000000009a000 T regfreeW U sprintf@@GLIBC_2.2.5 U strcat@@GLIBC_2.2.5 U strcmp@@GLIBC_2.2.5 Software impl Regular function call to the software implementation file Heavy_computation() { … }

16 User invokes regular application. Which using some heavy computations functions. Int main() { dlopen(). some_heavy_function } SO file contains the same symbol name BUT with different implementation The hardware implementation code is being invoke The hardware implementation burns on-the-fly our ZC-702 PL layer with the supplied bitstream. Hardware is being initialized & started by this function APP Load SO file & symbols 16 Hardware impl code Hardware Hardware logic is running & controlled by the hardware implementation code.

17 17 Apply filters on image & video data The filters should be have both hardware & software implementations Measure speedups between hardware and software implementations Don’t need to change the main function code. Only the inner functions should be invoked as presented.

18 18 Created a new software :./filter_cmd [MODE] [FILE] [TIME_MEASURE / DISPLAY FILTER RESULT][VIDEO/IMAGE] Mode : 0 - No filtering, the "source" image will be displayed on the screen 1 - Hardware filtering 2 - Software filtering File : the file path of the software / hardware function if the mode is on hardware filtering then it expects to get hardware-filter file (for example sobel.bin) if the mode is on software filtering it expects to get software-filter file (must be shared object file which have only one function with the following signature : void (*f_img_sw_filter)(ZNQ_S32 *rgb_data_in, ZNQ_S32 *rgb_data_out, int height, int width, int stride); TIME_MEASURE / DISPLAY_FILTER RESULT : 0 – Time measure of processing 1 - Display process result to screen. VIDEO_IMAGE : 0 - work on an image pattern as input 1 – work on as video pattern as input

19 The Sobel operator is used in image processing, particularly within edge detection algorithms. Technically, it is a discrete differentiation operator, computing an approximation of the gradient of the image intensity function. SOBEL

20 In photography, toning is a method of changing the color of black-and-white photographs. The effects of these processes can be emulated with software in digital photography. SEPIA

21 Mapping colors as follows: Green -> Blue. Blue -> Red. Red -> Green.

22 A common technique of a data filtering for security purpose. Changes the inner representation of the picture (byte array), randomly. Doesn’t change the picture as shown to the user (the human’s eye can’t notice the change). Follows each pixel of the pictures and randomly increases the brightness by 1 or decreases the brightness by 1.

23 #include #include “instagram.h" // RGB to instagram Conversion RGB instagram_operator(RGB *rgb) { RGB instagram; short B; short R; short G; R = rgb->R.to_int(); G = rgb->G.to_int(); B = rgb->B.to_int(); instagram.R = (unsigned char) B; instagram.G = (unsigned char) R; instagram.B = (unsigned char) G; return instagram; }

24 //Main function for Sobel Filtering //This function includes a line buffer for a streaming implementation void instagram_filter(AXI_PIXEL inter_pix[MAX_HEIGHT][MAX_WIDTH],AXI_PIXEL out_pix[MAX_HEIGHT][MAX_WIDTH], int rows, int cols) { //Place the 8-bit color components in a 24-bit container. R is least significant byte //Create AXI streaming interfaces for the core AP_BUS_AXI_STREAMD(inter_pix,INPUT_STREAM); AP_BUS_AXI_STREAMD(out_pix,OUTPUT_STREAM); AP_INTERFACE(rows,ap_none); AP_INTERFACE(cols,ap_none); AP_BUS_AXI4_LITE(rows, CONTROL_BUS); AP_BUS_AXI4_LITE(cols, CONTROL_BUS); AP_CONTROL_BUS_AXI(CONTROL_BUS); int i; int j;

25 for(i = 0; i < rows; i++){ for(j=0; j < cols; j++){ #pragma AP PIPELINE II = 1 RGB to_instagram; RGB instagram; AXI_PIXEL input_pixel; AXI_PIXEL output_pixel; ap_uint padding = 0xff; input_pixel = inter_pix[i][j]; to_instagram.B =,0); to_instagramG =,8); to_instagram.R =,16); instagram = instagram_operator(&to_instagram); = (instagram.R, instagram.G); = (, instagram.B); = (padding,; if(j == (cols-1)) output_pixel.last = 1; else output_pixel.last = 0; out_pix[i][j] = output_pixel; }}}

26 we have set up a development environment to modify and compile Android OS & Linux kernel. We configured a Fully working Android OS system on ZYNQ with a touch screen. We have implemented custom IP cores that worked fine on Android in a “static” hardware mode. We have developed a simple Linux device driver (char device) which can be accessed (Read / Write) by the Android on Zynq. We have enabled a smooth access to the custom hardware from any typical Android JAVA code. we have implemented a PR driver on the Android OS. Partial reconfiguration has failed on Android – during the reconfiguration the system collapses.

27 Xilinx Platform Studio Xilinx SDK VIVADO HLS C/C++ for Android Kernel Java Eclipse 27

28 XPS & SDK - Setup and configure the base system (which can run Android OS). Xilinx Vivado HLS - implement a custom IP module using a native programming language (C). XPS & SDK - Integrate the custom IP with the system. 28 Xilinx Platform Studio Xilinx SDK VIVADO HLS

29 C/C++ for Android Kernel Developing the custom device driver in C. Developing the HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer) which supplies a simple interface between the user App and the custom hardware. Customizing the Android Kernel in order to provide the partial reconfiguration OS support. 29

30 Java Eclipse Developing a custom android application in java, which can use the HAL in order to get the services provided by the custom IP we implemented. Developing the system service which is a part of the HAL. 30

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32 Thank you ! 32

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