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Art of the Holocaust. Do Now  On a separate sheet of paper, respond to the following question: What feelings does this painting communicate? How does.

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Presentation on theme: "Art of the Holocaust. Do Now  On a separate sheet of paper, respond to the following question: What feelings does this painting communicate? How does."— Presentation transcript:

1 Art of the Holocaust

2 Do Now  On a separate sheet of paper, respond to the following question: What feelings does this painting communicate? How does this painting/artist communicate those feelings?

3 Standard  RI7: Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of using different mediums (e.g., print or digital text, video, multimedia) to present a particular topic or idea.  What does this standard mean? What is it asking you to do?

4 Objective  Students will evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of using visual art of the Holocaust to evoke an emotional reaction from the audience by viewing artwork from the Holocaust and writing a short response about which image best appeals to the audience’s sense of pathos.  What will you need to do in order to demonstrate mastery of the standard?

5 TitleEmotionsConnections

6 Art of the Holocaust  As we look at the following photographs and paintings:  Write down the title of each piece (Title)  Write down any feelings that come up as you view the artwork (Emotions)  Write down any thoughts or connections that you can make to Night or anything in your own life or the world (Connections)

7 Moving to the Ghetto

8 Ghetto Walls

9 Typical room in the Ghetto

10 Chopping furniture to use as firewood

11 Final Liquidation of a ghetto

12 Konigsgraben

13 Dove

14 Struggle

15 Gela Seksztajn (1907-1942) Self Portrait. Seksztajn lived and painted in the Warsaw Ghetto. "...I am now standing at the boundary between life and death. I already know for certain that I must die and that is why I want to bid farewell to my friends and to my work. Farewell, comrades and friends. Jews! Do everything that such a tragedy will never be repeated!" She died in Treblinka in August of 1942.

16 Art Reflection Prompt  Write a paragraph that responds to some or all of the following questions:  Which of the paintings/photographs today was your favorite? Why was this your favorite of the images? Give evidence to explain why this was your favorite.  My favorite painting/photograph was ________________.  This was my favorite painting/photograph because ___________.  One element of the painting/photograph that I really liked was ___________________.  I liked this part because ____________________.

17 Honors Art Reflection Prompt  Write a paragraph that responds to some or all of the following questions:  Which of the paintings/photographs today was most effective at evoking an emotional response? Why was this image so effective? Give evidence to explain why this was the most effective.  _________________ was the most effective at evoking an emotional response because ___________________.  One part of the image that was particularly effective was __________________.  This part was effective because ____________________.  The most emotionally evocative aspect of the piece was _____.  This part was particularly evocative because ______________.

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