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Famous Canadian Artists Group of Seven. Samples – what season ? What colours ?

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Presentation on theme: "Famous Canadian Artists Group of Seven. Samples – what season ? What colours ?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Famous Canadian Artists Group of Seven

2 Samples – what season ? What colours ?

3 Group of Seven- what lines do you see ? Thick? Thin ? Bold?

4 Group of Seven – Does it look like a photograph? What shapes do you see?

5 Group of Seven - What might you smell? feel? Hear? What shades would you mix to re-create this painting?

6 Their style Landscapes Broad brush strokes you can see the paint strokes. They use short thick and thin strokes and large and med. brushes They mix colours Lots of sky, always outdoors Does not look like a photograph – more abstract, use basic shapes

7 Your task choices #1Do research of any one of the group of seven and create a facebook page, time line or write 2-3 paragraphs about his life and contribution to the world of Canadian art. Check out their web site m/ m/ #2 Choose any picture and try to replicate it. You can use google images, the website in #1, Or any of the images on this slideshow. This link below may be of help, it is an elementary class painting in group of Seven style. a/k12/cur/arts/exemplars /groupof7.pdf a/k12/cur/arts/exemplars /groupof7.pdf

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