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Iceland - Photograph by Luka Esenko Puffin - Photograph by Kate Ali,

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3 Iceland - Photograph by Luka Esenko

4 Puffin - Photograph by Kate Ali,

5 Cattle Egrets, India - Photograph by Avinash Upadhyay,

6 Himba Woman, Namibia - Photograph by Dominique Brand

7 Octopus, Italy - Photograph by Pasquale Vassallo

8 Snowy Plover Chick - Photograph by Lil Judd,

9 Great White Shark and Divers - Photograph by David Litchfield

10 Reindeer Herder, Siberia - Photograph by Dmitriy Nikonov

11 Verreaux's Sifaka, Madagascar - Photograph by Robyn Gianni

12 Bathing Parrot - Photograph by Cesar Badilla, My Shot

13 Infinity Pool, Singapore - Photograph by Chia Ming Chien

14 Dragonfly, Indonesia - Photograph by Shikhei Goh

15 Silica Pond, Iceland - Photograph by David Remacle

16 Eagle Owl - Photograph by Mark Bridger

17 Great Wall, China - Photograph by Byron Yu

18 Horses, Iceland - Photograph by Marketa Kalvachova

19 Westminster Abbey, London - Photograph by Jim Richardson

20 Squirrel in Snow - Photograph by Ray Yeager

21 Bandarban, Bangladesh - Photograph by M Yousuf Tushar

22 Elephants, Uganda - Photograph by Joel Sartore

23 Rice Terraces, China - Photograph by Byongsun Ahn

24 Military Macaw - Photograph by Armando Mejia

25 Gray Wolf, Washington - Photograph by Mukul Soman

26 Iguazu Falls - Photograph by Chris Schmid

27 Cheetah Cubs, South Africa - Photograph by Dumith Fernando

28 Crabeater Seal, Antarctica - Photograph by Mary Beth Young,

29 Riverbank, Belgrade - Photograph by David Konecny,

30 Tigers, India - Photograph by Steve Winter,

31 Lake Assal, Djibouti - Photograph by George Steinmetz,

32 Buffalo Race, India - Photograph by AchintyaGuchhait Guchhait,

33 Astana, Kazakhstan - Photograph by Gerd Ludwig,

34 Puffins, Maine - Photograph by Jon Reaves

35 Cave Painting, Papua New Guinea - Photograph by Amy Toensing,

36 Mountain Gorillas, Africa - Photograph by Joel Sartore,

37 Asiago Plateau, Italy - Photograph by Vittorio Poli,

38 Naming the Nine Little Cubs - photo by Michael Nichols Project: Serengeti Lions

39 Snowy Owl - Photograph by James Galletto

40 Caravanner and Camels, Mali - Photograph by Brent Stirton,

41 Zebras, Zambia - Photograph by Craig Arnold,

42 Whale Shark, New Guinea - Photograph by Michael Aw

43 Springboks, South Africa - Photograph by Morkel Erasmus,

44 Emperor Penguins, Antarctica - Photograph by Dafna Ben Nun,

45 Crayfish, Australia - Photograph by Carsten Peter

46 Anhinga, Everglades National Park - Photograph by Karim Jaffrey

47 Child and Water Buffalo, Vietnam - Photograph by Denis Rozan

48 Cocooned Trees, Pakistan - Photograph by Russell Watkins

49 Giraffes, Kenya - Photograph by Diego Arroyo

50 Feeding Hummingbird - Photograph by Quentin Huffaker

51 Lion Pride, Serengeti - Photograph by Michael Nichols

52 Chameleon, India - Photograph by Sree V. Remella,

53 Cows, India - Photograph by Mariajoseph Johnbasco

54 Canadian Lynx, Yukon Territory - Photograph by Nicolas Dory,

55 Bald Eagles - Photograph by Arjay Hill,

56 Peacock Tree Frog - Photograph by Mark Bridger,

57 Elephant Trio, Namibia - Photograph by Susan McConnell, Y

58 White Ibis - Photograph by Donna Adamski,

59 A presentation by Nubia

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