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What Is Your Value? Do we provide any value to anyone? How much are we worth?

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Presentation on theme: "What Is Your Value? Do we provide any value to anyone? How much are we worth?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What Is Your Value? Do we provide any value to anyone? How much are we worth?

2 Introduction There are so many ways to begin this subject. Whenever we speak of value, most of the time we are speaking of monetary value. We also understand what has value with one person may carry no value to another. Pictures of your grandmother have value to you, but not to me. That does not dismiss her value to you and how you treasure her.

3 Value We often place value upon things. How many things do you have that you would not want to let go? If I came into your house and started picking up things and throwing them into the trash-can, you just might get upset with me. You would have every right to be upset with me because I may not see the value in something you might treasure.

4 Value Remember the two short parables in Matthew 13: 44-46? The treasure in a field and the pearl of great value. There was so much value that the people gave all they had to acquire these treasures. These were treasures to these people and the value was costly, but worth it to them.

5 Value Consider the value of the virtuous woman in Proverbs 31. V.10 “Her value is far above jewels” What would you take to give up your child or spouse or parent? If offered, would you consider any amount for your loved one? Ten dollars, a thousand or million dollars? While some people in this world would take the time to consider such an offer, most would reject such.

6 Value Just how often do you consider the value of a friend? Proverbs has many verses about a true friend being so much better than many things. Is there anyone who values you as a friend? Is there anyone you value as a friend? Sometimes they are one and the same and sometimes they are different.

7 Value In the business world this is a phrase that is often applied, but using different terminology. An employee must have value. One does not give someone a job unless there is a job that needs doing. Sure there are some people who are nice and give jobs to needy people. Reality suggests that most jobs are offered to people because something needs to be done.

8 Value In the business world, if you do not perform your task in a timely manner and produce a value to your boss, you may not have a job long. In sports, an athlete is given a huge contract. Such contract is not to sit around and collect a paycheck, but is offered because of the value the athlete can give to the team and the owner.

9 Value How many times have you seen a star play negotiate a huge contract, and then become a mediocre player? It happens a lot. When a player performs and helps the team to win, that player is of value to the owner, the team, and the fans. The player that does not perform is a waste and most of those mentioned above would just as soon get rid of the poor producer.

10 Value Luke 13: 6-9 The fig tree had no value, and thus the ground it was occupying had no value. Get rid of the thing that is not producing. Notice that Jesus still offers to assist that one to become valuable to the Master. Compare this to Hebrews 5:12 Do you produce anything of value for God?

11 Value Spiritually speaking, do we have value? What is our soul worth? The whole world? How about the death of Jesus. That is what God considers your soul to be worth. God has provided you with everything you need to be productive for Him. Are you taking advantage of these tools?

12 Value Are you active for the Lord? How? Everyone must realize that just sitting on a pew and putting some dollars in the collection plate is not producing value for God. What produces value for God are those who serve Him and seek to do those things that can save souls. Teaching the gospel is one thing you can do.

13 Value Everything the Lord commands us to do for one another provides a valuable service to Him. When we are actively engaged with each other for encouragement, love, comfort, sorrow, and development, we are valuable to God. As a Christian; are you like the star athlete who performs? Or the one everyone wants to get rid of?

14 Conclusion There are so many ways in which we can be valuable. Yes there are things we hold as valuable, even if it is valuable only to us. In the real world, there is not much we have which most would consider valuable. But if we are valuable to God, none of that other stuff will matter.

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